Alternate rows of color give basket weave effect in this pretty rug. The cross stitched squares are worked in Enterprise Yarn, too. The original, done in two shades of blue on an ivory base, may be changed to fit any color scheme. Makes a sturdy rug for bed, bath or living rooms.
Rug shown in colors.
7 Balls Col. A (Ivory in original)
3 Balls Col. B (Med. Blue in original)
2 Balls Col. C (Dk. Blue in original)
Easier to do is the rug in squares Nos. 1 and 2 only (pictured in black). It may be made to any desired size. The 15 block arrangement will require the following:
10 Balls Col. A (Ivory in original)
4 Balls Col. B (Med. Blue in original)
2 Balls Col. C (Dk. Blue in original)
For the cross stitch embroidery on either rug, a ball each of orchid, gold, tearose, lt. blue, apple and grass green will be needed.
Both rugs are made up of square blocks and half or quarter blocks that are crocheted and sewn together arranged as on the diagram or pictures.
All should be squares—if your pieces do not come out exactly right, add or take off stitches from each row to make perfect squares. If only slightly off, stretching while steaming and pressing the blocks may accomplish the same result. See diagram showing detail of embroidery.
BLOCK 1: With color A, ch 40, 39 sc on ch. Ch 1, turn, sc in each st, repeat until Block is square (42 to 44 rows), an even number of rows.
EDGE: Join color C, 3 sc in corner st, insert hook through previous row at base of next sc, pull yarn through, over and through 2 loops (a long sc), (sc in next sc, Lsc over next sc) 18 times, 3 sc in corner st, repeat around. Fasten off. Embroider a row of cross stitch around block on second row from edge. Mark exact center of block and follow diagram to embroider flowers and leaves in cross stitch.
BLOCK 2: With A, ch 38, 37 sc on ch. Ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Sc, (Lsc, sc) 18 times, ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Lsc over last sc, (sc, Lsc) 18 times.
Row 4: Drop A, draw loop of B through loop on hook (1 ch), turn and work over starting end of B. Repeat Rows 2 and 3.
Row 7: Drop B, pull A through loop on hook, turn and repeat Rows 2 and 3. Continue, alternating 2 rows of A with 2 of B, until 12 stripes of A and 11 of B are made. Fasten off.
EDGE: As on Block 1. Make 2 blocks.
BLOCK 3: Repeat Row 1 of Block 2.
Row 2: Ch 1, * turn, (sc, Lsc) 18 times, sl st in end.
Row 3: Ch 2, turn, sk sl st and Lsc, (Lsc in next, sc in next) repeat across.
Row 4: Drop A, join B, turn, (sc, Lsc) 17 times, sl st in end.
Row 5: Ch 2, turn, sk sl st, (sc in next, Lsc) repeat across.
Row 6: Drop B, join A, turn, (sc, Lsc) 16 times, sc, sl st.
Row 7: Ch 2, turn, sk sl st and sc, (sc, Lsc) across.
Row 8: Drop A, join B, turn, (sc, Lsc) 15 times, sc, sl st.
Row 9: Ch 2, turn, sk sl st, (Lsc) across. Drop B, join A, continue, similar to last 8 rows from *, until there are 12 stripes of A and 11 of B. Final row, ch 2, turn, sc, Lsc, ch 1, turn, sc, sl st, fasten off.
EDGE: Join C with 2 sc to opposite diagonal corner and work around two short sides as on Block 1, make 2 blocks.
BLOCK 3A: Repeat Block 3.
EDGE: Turn block over, join C, with 2 sc in last sc and work around 2 short sides.
BLOCK 4: With A, ch 2, sk last st, 2 sc in next st.
Row 2: Ch 1, * turn, Lsc, 2 sc in next st.
Row 3: Ch 2, turn, 2 sc in last st, Lsc, sc.
Row 4: Join B, turn, Lsc, sc, Lsc, 2 sc in end st.
Row 5: Ch 2, turn, (sc, Lsc) twice, sc *.
Row 6: Join A, turn, (Lsc, sc) twice, Lsc, sc in end 2 ch.
Row 7: Ch 2, turn, sc in last st, Lsc at base of same sc, (sc, Lsc) twice, sc.
Row 8: Join B, turn, (Lsc, sc) 4 times, sc in 2 ch.
Row 9: Ch 2, turn, sc in last 2 sc (Lsc, sc) 3 times.
Row 10: Join A, turn, (Lsc, sc) 4 times, Lsc.
Row 11: Ch 2, turn, 2 sc in last sc, (Lsc, sc) 4 times.
Row 12: Join B, turn, (Lsc, sc) 5 times, 2 sc in end st.
Row 13: Ch 2, turn, (sc, Lsc) 5 times, sc, continue similar to last 8 rows (from *), until there are 12 A and 11 B stripes (37 st in last row). Fasten off.
EDGE: Same as on Block 3. Make 2.
BLOCK 4A: Repeat Block 4.
EDGE: Turn block over, join C to starting corner, work around 2 short sides.
BLOCK 5: Repeat Row 1 of Block 2.
Row 2: Ch 2, turn, sk 1, (Lsc, sc) 17 times, Lsc, sl st in end.
Row 3: Ch 2, turn, sk sl st and Lsc, (Lsc, sc) 16 times, Lsc, sl st.
Row 4: Join B, ch 2, turn, sk sc, (Lsc, sc) 15 times, Lsc, sl st.
Row 5: Ch 2, turn, sk sl st, (sc, Lsc) repeat across.
Row 6: Join A, ch 2, turn, sk sc, (sc, Lsc) repeat to second sc from end, sl st in end.
Row 7: Ch 2, turn, sk sl st and sc, (sc, Lsc) repeat to second sc from end, sl st in end.
Row 8: Join B, ch 2, turn, sk sl st and sc, (sc, Lsc) repeat to second st from end, sl st in end.
Row 9: Ch 2, turn, sk sl st, (Lsc, sc) repeat across. Continue for 14 more rows, make end of rows as in second through ninth rows, then second through seventh. Join B, turn, sk sl st and sc, sc, sl st, ch 1, turn, sk sl st, sc in sc. Fasten off.
EDGE: Join C and work across long edge.
BLOCK 5A: Repeat Block 4 through first row of B stripe.
Row 25: Ch 2, turn, sk last sc, (sc, Lsc) repeat across.
Row 26: Join A, turn, (Lsc, sc) 9 times, sl st.
Row 27: Ch 2, turn, sk sl st and sc, (sc, Lsc) repeat.
Row 28: Join B, turn, (Lsc, sc) 8 times, sl st.
Row 29: Ch 2, turn, sk sl st, (Lsc, sc) 8 times.
Row 30: Join A, turn, (Lsc, sc) 7 times, Lsc, sl st.
Row 31: Ch 2, turn, sk sl st and Lsc, (Lsc, sc) 7 times.
Row 32: Join B, turn, (Lsc, sc) repeat to second sc from end, sl st in end.
Row 33: Ch 2, turn, sk sl st, (sc, Lsc) repeat across. Continue, repeat end of rows from Row 26, then from Row 26 through Row 31. Ch 1, turn, Lsc, sl st.
EDGE: Turn, join C with 2 sc, to last sc, work across base of block.
BLOCK 5B: Repeat 5A.
EDGE: Join C, with 2 sc at opposite corner and work across base of block.
BLOCK 5C: With B ch 2, sk last st, sc in next.
Row 2: Ch 2, turn, 2 sc in sc.
Row 3: Ch 2, turn, sc, Lsc, sc in end of 2 ch.
Row 4: Join A, ch 2, turn, sc in last sc, Lsc at base of same sc, sc, Lsc, sc in end ch.
Row 5: Ch 2, turn, sc in last sc, Lsc at base of same sc, (1 sc, Lsc) twice, sc in end ch.
Row 6: Join B, ch 2, turn, sc in last sc, Lsc at base of same sc, (sc, Lsc) 3 times, sc in end ch.
Row 7: Ch 2, turn, sc in last 2 sc, (Lsc, sc) 3 times, Lsc.
Row 8: Join A, ch 2, turn, 2 sc in last sc, (Lsc, sc) 4 times, sc in end ch.
Row 9: Ch 2, turn, 2 sc in last sc, (Lsc, sc) 5 times, sc in end ch.
Row 10: Join B, ch 2, turn, 2 sc in last sc, (Lsc, sc) 6 times, sc in end ch.
Row 11: Ch 2, turn, (sc, Lsc) 7 times, sc in end.
Row 12: Join A, ch 2, sc in last sc (sc, Lsc) 7 times, sc in end.
Row 13: Ends, same as last row. Continue, repeat end of rows from Row 6, then from Row 6 through Row 9. Fasten off.
EDGE: Join C, with 2 sc to first sc in last row, work across long edge of block.
When blocks are crocheted, before joining, cut a square cardboard slightly larger than Blocks 1 and 2. Mark around this on tissue paper. Stretch and pin blocks right-side-down on these patterns on ironing board and steam with a wet cloth and hot iron, then press until perfectly dry. Repeat for other blocks, cutting pattern in halves and quarters.
Arrange blocks as in diagram and sew together, working on right side, using one strand of color C; sew through both loops of each st with over and over sts. Join into 4 diagonal strips, then sew strips together; be careful to keep lines and corners even and true.
BORDER: Join C, 3 sc in corner, (ch 1, 1 sc in edge) repeat around, 3 sc in each corner.
Row 2: 3 sc in corner, (ch 1, sc under 1 ch, ch 1, sc under next 1 ch) repeat around.
Row 3: (ch 1, sl st in next sc) 3 times around corner, (ch 1, sl st under 1 ch) repeat around.
Cottages Pot Holder Pattern
Posy Pot Holder Pattern
Ear of Corn Pot Holder Pattern
Trailing Vine Chair Seat Cover Pattern
Needlepoint Crochet Seat Cover Pattern
Grecian Block Seat Cover Pattern
Alphabet Nursery Rug Pattern
Bag for Shopping or Knitting Pattern
Crocheted Handbag 1 Pattern
Basket Weave Rug Pattern
Pants Pot Holder Pattern
Crocheted Handbag 2 Pattern
Dutch Cap Pattern
Humpty Dumpty Doll Pattern
Duck Toy Pattern
Jumbo Elephant Toy Pattern
Bunny Toy Pattern
Scottie Dog Toy Pattern
Star Rug Pattern
Fern Leaf Place Mat Pattern
Toilet Seat Cover Pattern
Blossom Time Rug Pattern
Rug & Toilet Seat Cover Pattern
Crocheted Soakers Pattern
Bunny Baby Bib Pattern
Hot Plate Mats Pattern
Pirate Boots Pattern
Sandals Pattern
Scuffs Pattern
Casuals Pattern
Jaunty Junior Boots Pattern
Military Boots Pattern
Rug & Hot Pot Holder in Rick Rack