Tea Cozy Pattern #X-101

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Tea Cozy Pattern #X-101

Use one of the following threads in size 50:
Clark's O.N.T. Mercerized Crochet, 5 balls of White or Ecru, or 7 balls of any color.
J. & P. Coats Mercerized Crochet, 4 balls of White or Ecru, or 5 balls of any color.
J. & P. Coats Big Ball Best Six Cord Mercerized Crochet, 2 balls of White or Ecru.
Milward’s steel crochet hook No. 12.
1 yd. of lining material.
Cotton batting.

GAUGE: 7 loops make 2 inches; 6 rows make 1 inch.

Starting at lower edge of one side, ch 268 to measure about 16 inches. 1st row: S c in 3rd ch from hook (a p made), ch 4, s c in 3rd ch from hook (another p made), ch 1, s c in 10th ch of foundation (counting back from 1st p made); * ch 4, make a p, ch 4, make another p, ch 1, skip 4 ch of foundation, s c in next ch. Repeat from * across (52 loops). Ch 6, turn. 2nd row: * Make a p as before, ch 4, make another p, ch 1, s c in next loop between 2 p's of previous row, ch 4. Repeat from * across. Ch 5, turn. Repeat 2nd row for 4½ inches. ** Dec. 1 loop at end of each of next 2 rows—to decrease, make a d c in last loop at each end. Work three rows straight. Then repeat from ** 2 more times (46 loops). Now dec. 1 loop at end of each row 14 times. Then dec. 1 loop at both ends of each row until 12 loops remain—to decrease 1 loop at both ends of row, sl st to center of 1st loop, ch 3 and continue in pattern across to within last loop, make a d c in last loop. Fasten off. This completes one side of tea cozy. Make other side same as this.

Edging … Place the two sides together. Attach thread at one end of foundation chain and, working through both thicknesses, in direction of curved edge, to other end of foundation chain, make s c closely together across, omitting lower edge. Ch 8, turn. 2nd row: * Skip 4 s c, s c in next s c, ch 8, skip 4 s c, s c in next s c, ch 6, skip 3 s c, s c in next s c, ch 8. Repeat from * across. Ch 2, turn. 3rd row: 4 s c in next loop, ch 8, turn, * s c in 4th s c from hook, turn, 4 s c in loop just made, ch 4, 4 s c in same loop, 4 s c in incompleted loop, 3 s c in next loop, ch 4, 3 s c in same loop, 4 s c in next loop, ch 8, turn. Repeat from * across. Fasten off. Attach thread to a loop at lower edge, and work a rnd of s c closely together, keeping work flat. Break off.
   Make 4 motifs No. 8420-A, and sew them in place on both sides, as in illustration.

Padding and Lining … Fold lining material so that there are 4 layers and a double fold. Place lower edge of crocheted piece against the double fold. Cut material to same shape as crocheted piece, allowing ½ inch extra for seams. Open one fold, thus forming an oval. Baste the outer edges of one half of oval together, and stitch on sewing machine. Make another row of stitching 2½ inches in from previous row. Place 2 layers of cotton batting on both sides of this stitched section, and make another row of stitching ½ inch in from top edge and 2 inches along center fold at both sides. Make one row of stitching ½ inch in from edge on other half of oval, leaving 10-inch opening at top. Pull unpadded material over padded piece; sew opening together neatly. Place crocheted piece over padding.

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