Required yardage is specified for each design. Choose one of the following threads in size 5:
Clark's O.N.T. Mercerized Crochet.
J. & P. Coats Mercerized Crochet.
J. & P. Coats Big Ball Best Six Cord Mercerized Crochet.
Clark's Big Ball Mercerized Crochet.
Materials: About 20 yds. are required for 1 curtain pull.
Milward's steel crochet hook No. 5 or 6.
A bone ring, 1 inch in diameter.
Medallion: * Make 15 s c in ring. Ch 10, turn, skip 5 s c, sl st in next s c, turn, and in loop make: 5 s c, ch-3 p, 3 s c, p, 3 s c, p, 5 s c. S c in bone ring, ch 6, turn, s c in 1st p, ch 8, skip 1 p, s c in next p, ch 6, sl st in base of first ch-10 loop, turn. In ch-6 loop make: 1 s c, 9 d c, 1 s c. In ch-8 loop make: 1 s c, 14 d c, 1 s c. In ch-6 loop make: 1 s c, 9 d c, 1 s c. This completes one petal. Repeat from * once more, but joining with sl st the 5th d c of the 1st ch-6 loop to the 5th d c of previous petal. Make a 3rd petal in same way as 2nd petal was made. Then make 9 s c in bone ring, join to 1st s c with sl st. Do not break off but continue for cord as follows:
Cord. Make a chain to measure 18 inches long, turn, and make s c in each ch. Double cord and fasten end at center of ring. Break off.
Curtains Pattern
Curtains Pattern
Curtains Pattern
Curtains Pattern
Curtains Pattern
Insertion Pattern
Insertion Pattern
Insertion Pattern
Insertion Pattern
Curtain Tie-Back Pattern
Curtain Tie-Back Pattern
Curtain Tie-Back Pattern
Curtain Tie-Back Pattern
Flower Pushpin Pattern
Shade Pull Pattern
Shade Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtains Pattern