COATS & CLARK'S O.N.T. SIX STRAND EMBROIDERY FLOSS, Art. C.11: 4 skeins each of No. 120 Crimson, and No. 100 Fast Red and 3 skeins of No. 48-A Dk. Hunter's Green.
Milwards Tapestry Needle No. 19.
1 yard of yellow Startex Swede Weave Huck, 36 inches wide.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Huck toweling has single loops on one side and double loops on the other side; directions state on which side design is to be worked. Mark center of item to be embroidered. Diagram shows center point of design. Always start weaving at center of fabric, work out to left edge, then complete other side. Cut thread into 30-inch lengths. When beginning weaving, leave 3 inches of thread free. When weaving is completed, weave back through design for 1 inch, or equivalent. Finish off 3-inch length in same manner. When starting new thread in center of row, begin weaving 1 inch before end of previous thread. When article has been completed, press well on wrong side.
Design is worked on single loop side with 6 strands.
Mark center of piece. Measure out 5⅞ inches from center on all four sides. Mark with pins to form a square. Divide each side of square in half and mark. Starting at center of border design and at center of a side with vertical loops on toweling, work design left to pin mark at corner of square. Turn corner and work second side as shown in diagram. Work other two sides to correspond with first two sides. Work tree design within border on the two sides of square with vertical loops (6 trees on each side).
Starting 1¼ inches in from outer edge, work outer border all around cloth. Starting ½ inch in from outer border, work border all around cloth, being careful to make corners exactly as shown in diagram. Work tree design within border on the same sides of cloth as previous trees were made (16 trees on each side). Turn under ¼ inch hem all around and sew, using bias tape for false hem if desired. Press through a damp cloth.

Bunny Toy Pattern
Clock Pillow Pattern
Cornucopia Pattern
Clip-on Hat Pattern
Pony Tail Hat Pattern
Carriage Pillow Pattern
Kitten Bib Pattern
Fringed Hangers Pattern
Handbag Cases Pattern
Pin Cushion Pattern
Slipper Pin Cushion Pattern
Kitten Toy Pattern
Sewing Set Pattern
Bridge Cloth Pattern
Milk Glass Tumbler Jacket Pattern
Milk Glass Casserole Jacket Pattern
Pot Holder Set Pattern
Beach Sandals Pattern
Horse Toy Pattern
Dachshund Toy Pattern
Towel Edging with Rick-Rack Pattern
Edging and Insertion for White Guest Towel Pattern
Edging and Insertion for Yellow Guest Towel Pattern
Hairpin Lace Handkerchief Edging Pattern
Fish Beach Bag Pattern
Elephant Hanger Pattern
Dog Hanger Pattern
Bear Hanger Pattern
Filet Pillow Pattern
Heart Pin Cushion Pattern