Crocheted Set for 3 Months Pattern

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Crocheted Set for 3 Months Pattern

Here is a little set for those who like to crochet. The yoke of the jacket is prettily squared and continues into a very easy lace pat­tern. The bonnet and "bootees have been carefully designed to match. Beehive Baby Wool Patonised is the wool to use in order to obtain the correct size from these instructions. You will need:— 4 ozs. for the Set (3 pieces). If made separately, the Jacket requires 2 ozs. Bonnet 1 oz. Bootees 1 oz. One No. 2 Steel Crochet Hook (American Gauge). 3 yds. Ribbon, ¼ inch wide. ½ yd. Ribbon, ½ inch wide. 3 Buttons.

MEASUREMENTS: Jacket—To fit 18-inch Chest. Length from top of shoulder 9i ins. Sleeve seam (excluding ruffle) ins. Bonnet—Width all round at face edge 11½ ins. Depth (excluding ruffle) 6 ins.

Tension: 7 d.c. and 3 rows = 1 inch.

For Washing Instructions—see patternbook page.


Beginning at neck of yoke, Ch. 47 sts. loosely to measure 8 ½ ins.

Before proceeding, please read "Important Information" on patternbook page.

1st row: 1.d.c. in 4th Ch. from hook. (The Ch.3 at beginning of row counts as 1.d.c. throughout), 1.d.c. in each of next 7 Ch. 5 d.c. in next Ch. 1.d.c. in next 4 Ch. 5 d.c. in next Ch. 1.d.c. in next 15 Ch. 5 d.c. in next Ch. 1.d.c. in next 4 Ch. 5 d.c. in next Ch. 1.d.c. in next 9 Ch. Ch. 3. Turn. (61 d.c. in row).

2nd row: 1.d.c. in 2nd st. 1.d.c. in each of next 9 sts. 5 d.c. in next st. (center st. of the 5 d.c. group of previous row—4 sts. are thus increased in this st.). 1.d.c. in next 8 sts. 5 d.c. in next st. 1.d.c. in next 19 sts. 5 d.c. in next st. 1.d.c. in next 8 sts. 5 d.c. in next st. 1.d.c. in next 11 sts. Ch. 3. Turn. (77 d.c. in row).

3rd row: 1.d.c. in 2nd st. (always begin row by working 1st. d.c. in 2nd st.). *1.d.c. in each st. to center st. of 5 d.c. group of prev­ious row. 5 d.c. in center st. Repeat from * 3 times, 1.d.c. in each st. to end of row. Ch. 3. Turn. (16 sts. are increased). Repeat 3rd row 6 times, omitting turning Ch. at end of last row. (189 d.c. in row, 9 rows in all). Work now measures 3 ins. from beginning when Tension is correct, see above.

Next row: (right side facing). *Ch. 5. Miss 3 sts. 1.s.c. in next st. Ch. 5. Miss 2 sts. 1.s.c. in next st.* Repeat from * to * 3 times, working last s.c. in center st. at corner. Miss next 40 sts. for arm- hole. 1.s.c. in corner st. Repeat from * to * 7 times. Ch. 3. Miss 3 sts. 1.s.c. in center st. at corner. Miss next 40 sts. for armhole. 1.s.c. in corner st. Repeat from * to * 3 times. (Ch. 5. Miss 2 sts. 1.s.c. in next st.) twice. Ch. 3. Turn. (31 spaces in row). Proceed:—

**1st row: (1.d.c. 1.h.d.c. 1.s.c.) in 1st. space. *Ch. 3. (1.d.c. Ch. 3. 1.d.c.) in next space. Ch. 3. (1.s.c. 1.h.d.c. 3 d.c. 1.h.d.c. 1.s.c. for shell) in next space. Repeat from * to last 2 spaces. Ch. 3. (1.d.c. Ch. 3. 1.d.c.) in next space. Ch. 3. (1.s.c. 1.h.d.c. 2 d.c.) in last space. Ch. 5. Turn.

2nd row: 1.d.c. in 1st. d.c. *Ch. 3. Miss 1 space. Shell in next space (between d.c.'s of previous row). Ch. 3. Miss 1 space, (1.d.c. Ch. 3. 1.d.c.) in center st. of shell. Repeat from * to end of row, working last (1.d.c. Ch. 3. 1.d.c.) in turning Ch. of previous row. Ch. 3. Turn.

3rd row: (1.d.c. 1.h.d.c. 1.s.c.) in 1st. space. Ch. 3. Miss next space, (1.d.c. Ch. 3. 1.d.c.) in center st. of shell. *Ch. 3. Miss 1 space. Shell in next space. Ch. 3. Miss 1 space (1.d.c. Ch. 3. 1.d.c.) in center st. of shell. Repeat from * to last 2 spaces. Ch. 3. Miss 1 space, (1.s.c. 1.h.d.c. 2 d.c.) in last space. Ch. 5. Turn. Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows for pattern until work measures 6 ins. from lower edge of yoke, or desired length. Fasten off.

To make sleeves: With right side of work facing, join wool between the 2 s.c.'s at corners of one armhole. *Ch. 6. Miss 3 sts. 1.s.c. in next st. Repeat from * 9 times, 1.s.s. between the 2 s.c.'s at beginning. Ch. 1. Turn. (10 spaces in round). Proceed:—

***1st round: *(1.s.c. 1.h.d.c. 3 d.c. 1.h.d.c. 1.s.c. for shell) in space. Ch. 3. (1.d.c. Ch. 3. 1.d.c.) in next space. Ch. 3. Repeat from * to end of round, omitting last Ch. 3 and replacing it with 1.d.c. in Ch. 1 at beginning. Ch. 1. Turn.

2nd round: *Shell in space between 2 d.c.'s of previous round. Ch. 3. Miss 1 space, (1.d.c. Ch. 3. 1.d.c.) in center st. of shell. Ch. 3. Miss 1 space. Repeat from * to end of round, ending as before with 1.d.c. in Ch. 1 at beginning. Ch. 1. Turn.
Repeat 2nd round for pattern until sleeve measures 5½ ins. From lower edge of yoke, or desired length and turning at end of last round.

Next round: *Ch. 3. 1.s.c. in space between 2 d.c.'s of previous round. Ch. 3. Miss 1 space, 1.s.c. in center st. of shell. Miss 1 space. Repeat from * 4 times, 1.d.c. in 1st. space. Turn.

Next round: *Ch. 3. 1.s.c. in space. Repeat from * 9 times, 1.d.c. in 1st. space. Ch. 1. Turn. Be sure these 2 rounds are worked loosely enough so that they will not bind the baby's arm. Beginning at *** work 1st. and 2nd pattern rounds once. Fasten off for ruffle.

To make buttonholes and neck ruffle: With wrong side of work facing, join wool at neck edge of right front. Working along edge of yoke, work 3 Ch.4 loops for buttonholes evenly spaced with 5 s.c. between. Turn.
Work 5 s.c. in each loop and 1.s.s. loosely in each s.c. to neck edge. Working around neck, *Ch. 6. Miss 2 Ch. 1.s.c. in next Ch. Repeat from * around neck. Ch. 3. Turn. (15 spaces in row). Beginning at ** work 1st. and 2nd pattern rows once for ruffle. Fasten off. Press lightly. Sew buttons to correspond to buttonholes.


Beginning at crown, Ch. 4 sts. Join with s.s. to form ring.
1st round: Ch. 3. 19 d.c. in ring. Join to top of Ch. 3 at beginning with s.s. Ch. 3. Turn. (20 d.c. in round as Ch. 3 at beginning counts as 1.d.c.).

2nd round: 2 d.c. in s.s. *1.d.c. in each of next 4 sts. 5 d.c. in next st. Repeat from * twice, 1.d.c. in last 4 sts. 2 d.c. in s.s. Join with s.s. Ch. 3. Turn. (36 d.c. in round).

3rd round: 2 d.c. in s.s. *1.d.c. in next 8 sts. 5 d.c. in next st. Repeat from * twice, 1.d.c. in last 8 sts. 2 d.c. in s.s. Join with s.s. Ch. 3. Turn. (52 d.c. in round).

4th round: 1.d.c. in s.s. *1.d.c. in next 12 sts. 4 d.c. in next st. Repeat from * twice, 1.d.c. in last 12 sts. 2 d.c. in s.s. Join with s.s. 1.s.s. in each of 1st. and 2nd sts. of round. Ch. 5. Turn. (64 d.c. in round).

5th round: (right side facing). Miss 4 sts. 1.s.c. in next st. *Ch. 5. Miss 3 sts. 1.s.c. in next st. Repeat from * to end of round. Ch. 1. Turn. (16 spaces in round).

Beginning at *** of Sleeve of Jacket, see page 10, work 1st. and 2nd rounds. Repeat 2nd round twice, then work 2nd round once more until last shell has been worked. Ch. 3. 1.s.c. in center st. of shell. Ch. 3. 1.s.c. in Ch. 1 at beginning. Turn.

Right side is now facing. Work 1.s.s. in each Ch. and st. to center of 1st. shell. Ch. 5. Beginning at ** of Jacket, but missing 1st. row, work 2nd pattern row to end of row. (7 shells in row). Work 3rd pattern row, then repeat 2nd and 3rd pattern rows 3 times more, omitting turning Ch. on last row.

Next row: *Ch. 5. Miss 1 space, 1.s.c. in space between 2 d.c.'s of previous round. Ch. 5. Miss 1 space, 1.s.c. in center st. of shell. Repeat from * to end of row. Ch. 5. Turn. (14 spaces in row which should measure 11½ ins. from side to side in order to fit around baby's face).

Next row: 1.s.c. in 1st. space. *Ch. 5. 1.s.c. in next space. Ch. 5. 1.s.c. in same space. Repeat from * to end of row. Ch. 3. Turn. (27 spaces in row).

Beginning at ** work 1st. and 2nd pattern rows once for ruffle. Fasten off. Press lightly. Thread ½-inch ribbon through the spaces at face edge as illustrated. Make ribbon rosettes with the ¼-inch ribbon and sew in position.


Beginning at toe, Ch. 4 sts. Join with s.s. to form ring. 1st round: Ch. 3. 19 d.c. in ring. Join to top of Ch. 3 at beginning with s.s. Ch. 3. Turn. (20 d.c. in round as Ch. 3 at beginning counts as 1.d.c.).

2nd round: 1.d.c. in s.s. *1.d.c. in each of next 4 sts. 3 d.c. in next st. Repeat from * twice, 1.d.c. in last 4 sts. 1.d.c. in s.s. Join with s.s. Ch. 3. Turn. (28 d.c. in round).

3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th rounds: 1.d.c. in each d.c. Join with s.s. Ch. 3. Turn. (28 d.c. in round).

Next row: 1.d.c. in each of next 23 d.c. Ch. 3. Turn. (24 d.c. in row—remaining 4 sts. are for front of ankle).

Next row: 1.d.c. in 2nd st. 1.d.c. in each st. to end of row. (24 d.c. in row).
Repeat last row 5 times, making 7 rows in all for sides. Ch. 1 and turn at end of last row.
Fold in half for heel and join by working 1.s.s. loosely through both edges to end of row. Fasten off.

Join wool at back of ankle. Work 8 (Ch. 6. 1.s.c.) spaces, evenly spaced around ankle, ending with 1.s.c. Ch. 1. Turn.

Beginning at *** of Sleeve of Jacket, see page 10, work 1st. and 2nd rounds. Repeat 2nd round 6 times. Fasten off. Thread ¼-inch ribbon through spaces at ankle. Make another bootee to corres­pond.