MATERIALS—Lily Rug Yarn, Art. 241:—12-skeins Lt. Green, 3-skeins Emerald Green, and a partial skein each Peach, Rose Pink, Wine and Hunter Green (or other colors). Crochet hook size H-6. Size—24" x 40".
In Lt. Green, ch 89, 88 sc on ch. (Ch 1, turn, 88 sc) repeated thru Row 171. EDGE—Ch 1, turn and work sc around, with 3 sc in corners. On long sides, make (sc in 3 rows, sk 4th row) repeated. Work tightly, holding edge in firmly. ROW 2—1 sl st in each sc. Fasten off.
EMBROIDER—Following chart, cross stitch the border and flower design, using 1 strand of yarn threaded to a large, dull-pointed needle.
Stretch and pin right-side-down in true shape on a large, padded table or board. Steam and press dry thru a cloth.
FLUFF FRINGE—Tie an Emerald Green, 20-strand tuft in every 3d st around edge.

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