Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Knitting and Crochet Cotton, 1 ball each of a dark and light color.
Cut 36 strands, each 36 inches long, of dark color. Make 2 braids, each consisting of 18 strands. Then make 2 braids same as this with light color. With light color, wind thread around all 4 braids several times, about 2 inches from end, having the 2 dark braids in center. Tie securely. Knot the 2 dark braids together in a double knot, 1 inch from where braids were tied together. * Draw 1 dark braid out to side, and tie with a double knot to 1 light braid, 1 inch apart from last knot made. Tie the other dark and light braids in the same way. Then knot the 2 light braids at center, and tie together as before 1" apart from each of last 2 knots (see diagram). Knot the 2 light braids together again, 2" apart from last knot made, always holding braids taut while knotting. Draw 1 light braid down and out to one side, and knot to dark braid 1 inch apart from last knot. Do the same at other side with the other light and dark braids. Draw the 2 dark braids to center, and knot together 1 inch apart from each of last 2 knots made. Repeat from * until piece measures about 14 inches. Tie the 4 braids together to correspond with opposite end.
Fringed Ends. Undo the braids as far as where they are tied together. Make a knot at the end of each braid, leaving a fringe of 1½". Trim ends evenly.

Bag Pattern
Belt Pattern, No. 2262
Beret Pattern
Handbag Pattern
Hair Band Pattern
Baby Sacque Pattern
Luncheon Set Pattern
Tie Backs Pattern, No. 944
Tie Backs Pattern, No. 945
Towel Edging Pattern, No. 8187
Collar Pattern, No. 2253
Belt Pattern, No. 2257
Knitting Bag Pattern
Coat Hanger Pattern
Tumbler Muff Pattern, No. 943
Stem Glass Muff Pattern, No. 942
Tumbler Muff Pattern, No. 947
Stem Glass Muff Pattern, No. 941
Towel Edging Pattern, No. 8189
Towel Edging Pattern, No. 8188
Towel Edging Pattern, No. 8190
Belt Pattern, No. 2252
Kerchief Pattern, No. 2238
Kerchief Pattern, No. 8192
Boutonniere Pattern, No. 435
Boutonniere Pattern, No. 439
Hot Plate Mat Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Collar Pattern, No. 2260
Handkerchief Edging Pattern, No. 8191
Handkerchief Edging Pattern, No. 8193
Handkerchief Edging Pattern, No. 8194
Chair Set Pattern
Boudoir Pillow Pattern
Tie Backs Pattern, No. 946
Bath Mat Pattern
Wash Cloths Pattern
Seat Cover Pattern
Women's Gloves Pattern
Men's Gloves Pattern
Polo Shirt Pattern
Knitting Bag Pattern
Baby Bib Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern