A towel and a face cloth.
Entire design is made by sewing twisted cord to background.
CORD FOR FISH … Cut two 1-yard strands of Pearl Cotton. Twist strands tightly; then double the twisted strands and give them a second twist in the opposite direction. Knot open end to prevent raveling. Make 2 more cords like this. Lay cords aside. For waves, make a similar cord cutting strands 30 inches long.
CORD FOR EDGING … For face cloth make a cord of four 4½-yard strands. Knot open end. For towel make cord of four 2½-yard strands. Knot open end.
Trace diagram of fish onto 3 individual pieces of transparent paper. Pin tracings securely onto background—2 on towel and 1 on face cloth—so that fish are properly placed (see illustration). With matching sewing thread, sew cord (through paper) along outline of fish, starting at tail end with unknotted end of cord and concealing stitches in twist of cord. When entire fish has been outlined with cord, cut away free end, allowing 2 inches excess. Untwist this excess end and, with a fine crochet hook, pull strands of cord individually through fabric to wrong side. Sew these ends in place, and trim. Tear paper away carefully. Embroider French knots for eyes, using black thread. Cut cord for waves in half and sew in place as in illustration, finishing ends as before.
Sew edging cord for towel to lower edge of towel, curling into circles as illustrated. Turn end to wrong side, and sew in place (cut away excess).
Sew other edging cord all around face cloth, just within edge of fabric, curling into a circle at decorated corner. Overlap ends and sew them securely (cut away excess).

Shadow Play Lamp Shade Pattern
Humdinger Mat Pattern
Glass Jackets Pattern
Peppermint Stripes Hanger Covers Pattern
Ship Shape Pot Holders Pattern
Popcorn Man Stool Cover Pattern
Wildfire Luncheon Set Pattern
Grandmas Work Bag Pattern
Edging No. 1 Pattern
Edging No. 2 Pattern
Snack Set Pattern
Pink Delight Basket Pattern
May Basket Pattern
Bathroom Set Pattern
Cat Tail Motif Pattern
Curtain Pull No. 1 Pattern
Curtain Pull No. 2 Pattern
Knit Two Purl Two Bag Pattern
Edging No. 3 Pattern
Extravaganza Doily Pattern
Fair Lady Gloves Pattern
Patio Pets Slippers Pattern
Picture Pretty Collar Pattern
Seafoam Collar Pattern
Pinwheel Case Pattern
Popcorn Square Pattern
Bo Peep Bow Pattern
Love Knot Bow Pattern
Good Fishing Motif Pattern
Vermonter Rug Pattern
Bonbon Doily Pattern