Sizes—Small, Medium and Large
CLARK'S O.N.T. COTTON RUG YARN, 1 ball each of a light and dark color for each size.
Clark's O.N.T. Rug and Afghan Hook, size G.
Instructions are given for medium size (sizes 6 and 7); instructions for small size (sizes 4 and 5) and large size (sizes 8 and 9) are given in parentheses.
SOLE … With dark color, ch 26—4 chain sts to 1 inch—(small size, ch 22; large size, ch 30). In order to have a firm texture, entire sole is worked tightly. 1st rnd: 3 s c in 2nd ch from hook, s c in each of next 13 ch (small size, s c in next 11 ch; large size, s c in next 15 ch), d c in each of next 10 ch (small size, d c in next 8 ch; large size, d c in next 12 ch). Make 4 d c in last ch—Toe. Then work along opposite side of foundation chain, making d c in each of 10 ch (small size, d c in 8 ch; large size, d c in 12 ch), s c in each of 13 ch (small size, s c in 11 ch; large size, s c in 15 ch)—Heel. 2nd rnd: S c in each st around, increasing 2 s c evenly across Heel, and 5 s c evenly across Toe—to inc., work 2 s c in 1 s c. Repeat the last rnd 2 more times. Next rnd: Turn, and with wrong side facing, work sl st in each s c around. Fasten off.
UPPER … 1st rnd: Attach light color at center back, ch 3, d c in the back half of each s c of last s c-rnd. Join with sl st to top of ch-3. 2nd rnd: Ch 1, and working in both loops of each st, make s c in each st around, decreasing 2 sts evenly across Heel and 5 sts evenly across Toe—to dec., (insert hook in next st and draw loop through) twice; thread over and draw through all 3 loops on hook. 3rd rnd: Ch 3, d c in each st around, decreasing 7 sts as on last rnd—to dec., (thread over hook, draw up a loop in next st, thread over and draw through 2 loops) twice; thread over and draw through remaining 3 loops. Join. 4th rnd: Same as 2nd rnd. 5th rnd: S c in each st around, sl st in next st. Fasten off.
CORD … With dark color, make a chain about 24 inches long and lace through front part of opening. Tie bow.
Shadow Play Lamp Shade Pattern
Humdinger Mat Pattern
Glass Jackets Pattern
Peppermint Stripes Hanger Covers Pattern
Ship Shape Pot Holders Pattern
Popcorn Man Stool Cover Pattern
Wildfire Luncheon Set Pattern
Grandmas Work Bag Pattern
Edging No. 1 Pattern
Edging No. 2 Pattern
Snack Set Pattern
Pink Delight Basket Pattern
May Basket Pattern
Bathroom Set Pattern
Cat Tail Motif Pattern
Curtain Pull No. 1 Pattern
Curtain Pull No. 2 Pattern
Knit Two Purl Two Bag Pattern
Edging No. 3 Pattern
Extravaganza Doily Pattern
Fair Lady Gloves Pattern
Patio Pets Slippers Pattern
Picture Pretty Collar Pattern
Seafoam Collar Pattern
Pinwheel Case Pattern
Popcorn Square Pattern
Bo Peep Bow Pattern
Love Knot Bow Pattern
Good Fishing Motif Pattern
Vermonter Rug Pattern
Bonbon Doily Pattern