Small Ball:
Clark's O.N.T.—2 balls of White, Ecru or any color, or
J. & P. Coats—1 ball of White or Ecru; 2 balls of any color.
Milward's Steel Crochet Hook No. 11 or 12.
GAUGE: 11 two-d c groups make 2 inches; 6 rows make 1 inch.
RIGHT HAND … Starting at wrist, ch 106 (18 ch sts to 1 inch). Join with sl st. 1st rnd: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st; (skip 2 ch, in next ch make d c, ch 2 and d c) 13 times; skip 2 ch, d c in next ch, ch 5, skip 5 ch, d c in next ch, skip 2 ch; in next ch make d c, ch 2 and d c (a 2-d c group made). Skip 2 ch, d c in next ch, ch 5, skip 5 ch, d c in next ch; (skip 2 ch, in next ch make d c, ch 2 and d c) 15 times; skip 2 ch, sl st into ch-5 loop first made. 2nd rnd: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st; (in next ch-2 sp make d c, ch 2 and d c) 13 times; ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, in next ch-2 sp make d c, ch 2 and d c; ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch. Ch 5, (in next ch-2 sp make d c, ch 2 and d c) 15 times; join. 3rd rnd: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st; (in next ch-2 sp make d c, ch 2 and d c) 13 times; d c in next ch-5 loop, ch 5, d c in next loop; 2-d c group over next 2-d c group, d c in next loop, ch 5, d c in next loop; make a 2-d c group over each of the next five 2-d c groups; over next d c-group make d c, ch 2, d c, ch 2 and d c (an increase); make d c-group over next d c-group; over next d c-group make d c, ch 2, d c, ch 2 and d c—thus the increases for thumb are started. Now make d c-groups over d c-groups to end of rnd; join. 4th rnd: D c-group over each d c-group across to within ch-5 loop; ch 5, skip 2 ch of next loop, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c-group over ch-2 of next d c-group; ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5 loop, s c in next ch, ch 5 and make d c-group in each group to end of rnd; join. 5th rnd: Work in pattern until 5 d c-groups are made after the open-work pattern on back of hand, over next d c-group make an increase as before (3 d c with ch-2 between); make a d c-group over each of the next 3 d c-groups, inc. over the next group and continue working in pattern to end of rnd. 6th to 10th rnds incl: Work as for last 2 rnds, making an increase over each increase as before on every other rnd (having 2 more d c-groups between increases) for thumb. Work without increasing until glove, when tried on, reaches to base of thumb (about 2¾ inches in all).
Next rnd: To start thumb, work in pattern around until 8 d c-groups are made after the open-work pattern. Mark the 8th d c-group with a colored thread, and work over the next 11 groups; then ch 5, skip the group with the colored thread and continue to work in spiral fashion around the last 11 d c-groups, making another d c-group at center of ch-5 and working until thumb, when tried on, is 2 rnds less than desired length. Next rnd: Make d c in each ch-2 sp around. Following rnd: S c in every other d c around. Fasten off, leaving a 6-inch length of thread. Thread a needle with this thread and fasten end securely on wrong side. Attach thread to last d c of d c-group marked with colored thread and complete rnd, making an increase over the d c-group at base of thumb. Now work in pattern until glove, when tried on, reaches to base of your fingers. Put glove on and mark with a safety pin between palm and back of hand for fingers.
Forefinger … Work in pattern around to pin-mark on palm side for forefinger, ch 5 and work over d c-groups of forefinger on back of hand; continue around in pattern, making a d c-group in center of ch-5, until glove, when tried on, is 2 rnds less than desired length. Finish as for Thumb.
Middle Finger … Attach thread to d c-group at base of forefinger (between fingers). Work in pattern across d c-groups of palm, ch 5 and work across back of hand for middle finger, making 2 d c-groups over ch-5 (open pattern), and making a d c-group in each d c-group at base of forefinger. Finish as for forefinger.
Ring Finger … Work as for middle finger.
Little Finger … Attach thread at base of ring finger and work around remaining d c-groups as for other fingers.
Cuff … 1st rnd: Attach thread to base of d c-group on foundation chain, preceding ch-5 of open-work pattern, ch 5, d c in same place, ch 5, skip 2 ch of ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, a c- group at base of next d c-group, ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c-group at base of each d c-group around. Join. 2nd and 3rd rnds: Work in pattern as for top part of glove. Join. 4th rnd: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, d c in next ch-5 loop, ch 5, d c in next loop, d c-group over next d c-group, d c in next loop, ch 5, d c in next loop, d c-group over next d c-group, d c under ch-2 of next d c-group, * ch 5, d c under ch-2 of next d c-group, d c-group over next d c-group, d c under ch-2 of next d c-group. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 5, d c in last d c-group. Join. 5th rnd: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, * ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c-group over next d c-group. Repeat from * around. Join with sl st in 3rd st of ch-5.
6th rnd: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, in next d c make d c, ch 2 and d c, * ch 5; (in next d c make d c, ch 2 and d c) twice. Repeat from * around. Join last ch-5 with sl st in ch-5 loop first made. 7th rnd: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, d c-group over next d c-group, * ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c-group over next 2 d c-groups. Repeat from * around, join. 8th rnd: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, * d c-group between next 2 d c, d c-group over next d c-group, ch 5, d c-group over next d c-group. Repeat from * around, join. 9th rnd: * D c-group over next 3 d c-groups, ch 5, skip 2 ch, s c in next ch, ch 5. Repeat from * around. Join. 10th rnd: * D c-group over next 3 d c-groups, ch 5. Repeat from * around, join. 11th to 15th rnds: Repeat 9th and 10th rnds alternately. 16th rnd: * Ch 2, in center d c-group make 4 d c with ch 2 between, ch 2, skip 1 d c of next d c-group, d c in next d c of same group, ch 5, s c in next s c, ch 5, d c in first d c of next d c-group. Repeat from * around, join. Fasten off.
LEFT HAND … Make another glove like this, reversing the position of the open-work stripe so that it lies across center back of left hand.
Shadow Play Lamp Shade Pattern
Humdinger Mat Pattern
Glass Jackets Pattern
Peppermint Stripes Hanger Covers Pattern
Ship Shape Pot Holders Pattern
Popcorn Man Stool Cover Pattern
Wildfire Luncheon Set Pattern
Grandmas Work Bag Pattern
Edging No. 1 Pattern
Edging No. 2 Pattern
Snack Set Pattern
Pink Delight Basket Pattern
May Basket Pattern
Bathroom Set Pattern
Cat Tail Motif Pattern
Curtain Pull No. 1 Pattern
Curtain Pull No. 2 Pattern
Knit Two Purl Two Bag Pattern
Edging No. 3 Pattern
Extravaganza Doily Pattern
Fair Lady Gloves Pattern
Patio Pets Slippers Pattern
Picture Pretty Collar Pattern
Seafoam Collar Pattern
Pinwheel Case Pattern
Popcorn Square Pattern
Bo Peep Bow Pattern
Love Knot Bow Pattern
Good Fishing Motif Pattern
Vermonter Rug Pattern
Bonbon Doily Pattern