J. & P. COATS KNIT-CRO-SHEEN, 1 ball each of Ecru and 2 colors (referred to in directions as 1st and 2nd colors).
Steel Crochet Hook No. 6 or 7.
2 bone rings.
GAUGE: 10 sts make 1 inch; 4 rows make 1 inch (1 square on chart is equivalent to 3 dc).
To Change Color: Before drawing through last 2 loops of last dc of one color group, drop this color, pick up next color, thread over and draw through the 2 loops on hook. Continue with other color, carrying the dropped color along top of previous row and working over it to conceal it.
POT HOLDER . . . With 1st color, ch 68 to measure 7 inches. 1st row: Dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across (66 dc, counting turning ch as 1 dc). Ch 3, turn. 2nd row: Dc in each dc, dc in top st of turning ch. Ch 3, turn. 3rd row: Holding 2nd color along top of previous row, with 1st color make dc in 8 dc (thus concealing 2nd color), changing to 2nd color in last dc. With 2nd color make dc in 9 dc, carrying 1st color concealed in dc's and changing color in last dc. With 1st color make dc in 3 dc, carrying 2nd color concealed in dc's. Do not carry 2nd color any further but with 1st color work dc in each dc and in top st of turning ch. Ch 3, turn. 4th row: Dc in 44 dc, changing to 2nd color in last dc, conceal 1st color in next 15 dc, changing color in last dc. Do not carry 2nd color any further but complete row with 1st color. Ch 3, turn. 5th row: Work 1st color dc's over 1st color dc's and 2nd color dc's over 2nd color dc's, concealing unused color and changing color as before. Do not carry 2nd color further than last dc of 2nd color. Ch 3, turn. 6th row: Dc in 44 dc, carry 2nd color in the next 3 dc and change to 2nd color in the last dc; conceal 1st color in the next 9 dc, changing color as before. Conceal 2nd color in remaining 9 dc. Fasten off 2nd color. Ch 3, turn. This completes corner design. Repeat 2nd row until piece meas-ures 6 ½ inches square. Do not fasten off but work a row of sc all around edge. Join with sl st in 1st sc and fasten off. Attach 2nd color and work sc in each sc around. Join and fasten off. Make another piece same as this, reversing colors. Place padding (for padding, see pattern book) between crochet pieces and sew edges together through 1 loop of each st on each piece. Make another pot holder same as this.
CASE (Pocket) . . . Wind 1st color into 2 balls. Starting at bottom, with Ecru ch 155 to measure 16 inches. 1st row: Dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across (153 dc, counting turning ch as 1 dc). Ch 3, turn. 2nd row: Holding 1st color along top of previous row, with Ecru make dc in 29 dc (thus concealing 1st color), changing to 1st color in last dc. With 1st color make dc in 9 dc, carrying Ecru concealed in dc's and changing color in last dc. Conceal 1st color in next 9 dc, changing color as before. Conceal Ecru in next 6 dc, changing color as before. Drop 1st color and work next 42 dc with Ecru. Conceal 2nd strand of 1st color in next 3 Ecru dc, changing color as before. Conceal Ecru in next 6 dc, changing color as before. Conceal 1st color in next 9 dc, changing color as before. Conceal Ecru in next 9 dc, changing color as before. Drop 2nd strand of 1st color, with Ecru work dc in next 30 dc. Ch 3, turn. Starting with 3rd row, follow chart for Pocket, changing color as indicated by symbols and carrying 1st color only as far as is needed, until 5th row is complete. Cut 2 strands of 2nd color each 3 ½ yards long. 6th row: Holding 1 strand of 2nd color along top of previous row, with Ecru make dc in 11 dc, changing to 2nd color in last dc, make 9 dc of 2nd color, carry 2nd color in next 3 Ecru dc. Drop 2nd color, make 3 more Ecru dc, 9 dc of 1st color, 3 of Ecru, 3 of 1st color, 9 of Ecru, 6 of 1st color, 39 of Ecru, 6 of 1st color, 9 of Ecru, 3 of 1st color, 3 of Ecru, 9 of 1st color. Conceal 2nd strand of 2nd color in next 6 Ecru dc, 9 dc of 2nd color, carry 2nd color in next 3 Ecru dc. Drop 2nd color, make 9 more Ecru dc. Ch 3, turn. Starting with 7th row, follow chart for Pocket to top. Do not fasten off Ecru, but work a row of sc all around. Join and fasten off all colors. Attach 2nd color and work sc in each sc around. Join and fasten off.
BACK PIECE . . . Starting at bottom, with Ecru ch 125 to measure 13 inches. 1st row: Dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across (123 dc, counting turning ch as 1 dc). Ch 3, turn. 2nd row: Dc in each dc, dc in top st of turning ch. Ch 3, turn. Repeat 2nd row until piece measures 4 ½ inches. Ch 3, turn. Next row: (Work off next 2 dc as 1 dc) twice (2 dc decreased); dc in next 50 dc, conceal 1st color in next 6 Ecru dc and change to 1st color in last dc, work 3 dc of 1st color, 3 of Ecru, 3 of 1st color. Carry 1st color in next 6 Ecru dc. With Ecru, make dc in next 46 dc, (work off next 2 dc as 1 dc) twice (2 dc decreased), dc in top st of turning ch. Ch 3, turn.
Design has been established. Starting with 2nd row, follow chart for Back Piece, decreasing 2 dc at both ends of each row (as described on last row), until top of chart is reached. When 2nd color is introduced, carry both unused colors concealed in dc's. Fasten off 1st and 2nd colors when design is complete. Do not fasten off Ecru at end of last row but work a row of sc all around edge. Join and fasten off. Attach 2nd color and work sc in each sc around. Join and fasten off.
FINISHING ... To make 2 Pockets, place bottom edges of both pieces together, right sides on top. Join pieces down center front with a row of stitching. Fold excess material into small pleats, having one pleat on each outer end and one pleat on each side of center stitching. Pin or baste pleats down. Whip outside edges of Pocket and Back Piece together, catching edges of pleats while sewing. Sew rings to upper points of Back Piece. Slip a Pot holder in each Pocket.

Other great patterns from Pot Holders, Book 196:
Crochet Patterns
Flower Pot Pot Holder
Ma, Pa & Baby Pot Holder
Teacup Pot Holder
Wall Pocket Pot Holder
Butterfly Pot Holder
Fruit Slice Pot Holder
Scallop Pot Holder
Double Wheels Pot Holder
Cat Pot Holder
Tulip Pot Holder
Bell Pot Holder
Hot Spot Pot Holder
Pinwheel Pot Holder
Salt & Pepper Pot Holder
Checkerboard Pot Holder
Horseshoe Pot Holder
Strawberry Pot Holder
Water Pitcher Pot Holder
Oven Mitt I Pot Holder
Oven Mitt II Pot Holder
Star Pot Holder
Hexagon Pot Holder
Diamond Pot Holder
Double Diamond Pot Holder
Square Pot Holder
Striped Square I Pot Holder
Striped Square II Pot Holder
Circle Pot Holder
Striped Circle Pot Holder
Variegated Circle Pot Holder