Size 6
J. & P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen, 3 balls of White or Ecru, or 4 balls of any color.
Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Six Strand, 3 skeins of 1 color referred to as "A", and 2 skeins of another color referred to as "B".
Milward's steel crochet hooks No. 1 and No. 9.
6 hooks and eyes.
Gauge: Pattern—8 sts to 1 inch; 6 rows to 1 inch.
Back … Starting at short side of waistband, with No. 9 hook ch 21 to measure about 2 inches. 1st row: S c in 2nd ch from hook, s c in each ch across. Ch 1, turn. Hereafter pick up only the back loop of each s c. 2nd row: S c in each s c across. Ch 1, turn. Repeat 2nd row until 104 rows in all are completed (about 11½ inches). Do not break off but change to No. 1 hook and work along long side of waistband as follows: 1st row: Ch 1, s c in each row across (104 s c). Ch 1, turn. 2nd row: * S c in next s c, d c in next s c. Repeat from * across. Ch 1, turn. 3rd row: * D c in next s c, s c in next d c. Repeat from * across. Ch 1, turn. 4th row: S c in each st across. Ch 1, turn. The last 3 rows (2nd, 3rd and 4th rows) constitute the pattern. Work in pattern, increasing 1 st—by working 2 sts in 1 st—at both ends of next row and every 4th row thereafter until there are 112 sts. Work 3 rows straight (without increasing or decreasing).
To Shape Armholes … Sl st across 1st 4 sts and work across to within last 4 sts (4 sts decreased at both ends of row). Continue in pattern, decreasing 1 st—by working off 2 sts as 1 st—at both ends of each row until 88 sts remain. Work straight until piece measures 5" from 1st row of armhole shaping. To shape shoulders, sl st across 1st 5 sts and continue across. Repeat last row until 38 sts remain. Fasten off.
Right Front … Starting at short side of waistband, with No. 9 hook ch 21 and work as for Back waistband for 52 rows (about 6 inches). Do not break off but change to No. 1 hook and work along long side of waistband as follows: Ch 1, s c in each row across (52 s c). Ch 1, turn. Continue in pattern, keeping front edge straight and increasing 1 st at underarm edge on next row and every 5th row thereafter until there are 56 sts in the row. Work 3 rows straight.
To Shape Armhole … Starting at underarm edge, sl st across 1st 7 sts and continue across. Then dec. 1 st at armhole edge each row until 44 sts remain. Work straight until piece measures 4¾ inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. Then, starting at front edge, sl st across 1st 19 sts (thus starting neck shaping). Work over remaining 25 sts until armhole measures 5 inches. To shape shoulder, starting at armhole edge, sl st across 1st 5 sts every other row 4 times. Fasten off.
Left Front… Work to correspond with Right Front, reversing shapings.
Sleeves … Starting at short side of armband, with No. 9 hook ch 11 and work as for back waistband for 52 rows (about 6 inches). Do not break off but change to No. 1 hook, ch 1 and work 68 s c along long side of armband. Continue in pattern, increasing 1 st at both ends of next row and each row thereafter until there are 80 sts. Work 2 rows straight. To shape top of sleeve, dec. 1 st at both ends of each row 9 times; then 1 st at both ends of every other row 3 times (56 sts). Work straight for 2 inches. Then dec. 2 sts at both ends of each row until 16 sts remain. Fasten off.
Cord … With double thread (12 strands) of color "A" Six Strand, work a chain 40 inches long. Break off.
Embroidery … Start embroidery on Back, 3¾ inches from top of shoulder. With double thread (12 strands) of Six Strand, embroider parallel diagonal lines, 1¾ inches apart, of running stitch, alternating colors "A" and "B" for lines and having each stitch cover 2 rows of work. Then work diagonal lines in opposite direction, forming diamonds as illustrated. Embroider Fronts as for Back, but work pattern toward center front so that lines correspond at opening.
Sew up underarm and shoulder seams. Sew up sleeve seams and sew sleeves in, easing in extra fullness of sleeve across center 3 inches of shoulder. Sew hooks at equal distances apart along Right Front edge. Sew eyes along Left Front edge to correspond. Lace cord along center front, tying ends in bow at top.
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