Each motif measures 3½ inches square and requires 29⅜ yards
J. & P. COATS BIG BALL BEST SIX CORD MERCERIZED CROCHET, Art. A.104, Size 30: White, Ecru, or No. 42 Cream; or
CLARK'S BIG BALL MERCERIZED CROCHET, Art. B.34, Size 30: White, No. 61 Ecru, or No. 42 Cream.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.
FIRST STRIP—First Motif … Starting at center, ch 8. Join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd: Ch 4, (dc in ring, ch 1) 15 times. Sl st in 3rd ch of ch-4. 2nd rnd: Sl st in first sp, ch 3, 3 dc in same sp, drop loop from hook, insert hook in top of ch-3 and draw dropped loop through (pc st made), * ch 2, 4 dc in next sp, drop loop from hook, insert hook in top of first dc and draw dropped loop through (another pc st made). Repeat from * around, ending with ch 2, sl st in tip of first pc st. 3rd rnd: Sl st in next sp, ch 3, pc st in same sp, (ch 2, pc st in next sp) twice; * ch 5, sc in next sp, ch 5, (pc st in next sp, ch 2) twice; pc st in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join as before. 4th rnd: Sl st in next sp, ch 3, pc st in same sp, * ch 2, pc st in next sp, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 7, sc in next loop, ch 5, pc st in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join. 5th rnd: Sl st in next ch-2 sp, ch 3, pc st in same sp, * ch 3, in next loop make dc, ch 1 and dc (V st made); ch 3, in next loop make (dc, ch 1) 5 times and dc; ch 3, V st in next loop, ch 3, pc st in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join. 6th rnd: * Ch 5, V st in ch-1 of next V st (V st over V st made); (ch 3, sc in next ch-1) 5 times; ch 3, V st over V st, ch 5, sc in tip of next pc st. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 5, sl st in sl st. 7th rnd: Sl st in next 3 ch, sc in same loop, * ch 5, V st over V st, ch 3, skip next sp, (sc in next ch-3, ch 3) 4 times; V st over V st, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 7, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 2, d tr in first sc. 8th rnd: Ch 3, pc st as before in loop just formed, ch 2, pc st in same loop, * ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5, V st over V st, ch 3, skip next sp, (sc in next ch-3, ch 3) 3 times; V st over V st, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5, in next loop make pc st, ch 2 and pc st. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 2, dc in tip of first pc st. 9th rnd: Ch 3, pc st in loop just formed, * ch 2, pc st in next ch 2, ch 2, pc st in next loop, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5, V st over V st, ch 3, skip next sp, (sc in next ch-3, ch 3) twice; V st over V st, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5, pc st in next loop. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 5, sl st in tip of pc st. 10th rnd: Sl st in next ch-2, ch 3, pc st in same sp, * ch 11 (corner loop), pc st in next ch-2, ch 2, pc st in next loop, ch 7, sc in next loop, ch 3, V st over V st, ch 7, skip next sp, sc in next ch-3, ch 7, V st over V st, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 7, pc st in next loop, ch 2, pc st in next ch-2. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
SECOND MOTIF … Work as for First Motif until 9 rnds have been completed. 10th rnd: Sl st in next ch-2, ch 3, pc st in same sp, ch 5, sl st in any corner loop on First Motif, ch 5, on Second Motif make pc st in next ch-2, ch 2, pc st in next loop, ch 3; sl st in next loop on First Motif, ch 3, on Second Motif make sc in next loop, ch 3, V st over V st, ch 3; sl st in next loop on First Motif, ch 3, skip next sp on Second Motif, sc in next loop, ch 3, sl st in next loop on First Motif, ch 3, on Second Motif make V st over V st, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 3; sl st in next loop on First Motif, ch 3, on Second Motif make pc st in next loop, ch 2, pc st in next sp, ch 5; sl st in corner loop on First Motif, ch 5, pc st in next sp on Second Motif, now complete as for First Motif (no more joinings). Break off. Continue to work in this way until strip is desired length.
SECOND STRIP—First Motif … Work as for First Motif of First Strip until 9 rnds have been completed. 10th rnd: Sl st in next ch-2, ch 3, pc st in same sp, ch 5, sl st in joining sl st between first 2 motifs on First Strip, ch 5, pc st in next sp on First Motif of Second Strip, now continue around, completing joining as before.
SECOND MOTIF … Work exactly as for First Motif, joining the 2nd side to First Strip and the 3rd side to the First Motif of Second Strip as before. Continue in this way until piece is desired size.
Sea Spray Doily Pattern
Sea Shells 8-Piece Luncheon Set Pattern
Tea Cozy Pattern
Toaster Cover and Pot Holder Pattern
Caravel Chair Set Pattern
23rd Psalm Wall Hanging Pattern
Pansy Patch Doily Pattern
Pineapple Edging Pattern
Pineapple Nosegay Doily Pattern
Pineapple Motif Pattern
Rug and Basket Cover Pattern
Hot Plate Mat Pattern
Seat Pad Pattern
Toaster Cover Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Hot Plate Mat and Napkin Holder Pattern
Slippers Pattern
Carry-All Bag Pattern
Tulip Garden Doily Pattern
Guest Towel Pattern
Bird Cage Cover Pattern
Hostess Apron Pattern