MATERIALS: J. & P. Coats or Clark's O.N.T. Best Six Cord Mercerized Crochet, Size 30, 2 balls (Small Balls) each of White and Dark Yellow … J. & P. Coats or Clark's O.N.T. Pearl Cotton, Size 5, 1 ball of Black … Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.
Doily measures 12 inches in diameter
CENTER … Starting at center with Yellow, ch 10. Join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd: Ch 3, 23 dc in ring. Join with sl st to top of ch-3. 2nd rnd: * Ch 4, tr in same place as sl st, tr in next dc, ch 4, sl st in same place as last tr, sl st in next dc. Repeat from * around. 3rd rnd: Sl st in next 4 ch, ch 4, holding back on hook the last loop of each tr make tr in next 2 tr, tr in next ch, thread over and draw through all loops on hook (cluster made), * ch 10, holding back on hook the last loop of each tr make tr in top of next ch-4, tr in next 2 tr, tr in next ch, thread over and draw through all loops on hook (another cluster made). Repeat from * around (12 petals). Join and break off. 4th rnd: Attach White at tip of any cluster, in each sp around make 7 sc, ch 3 and 7 sc; sl st in first sc (12 points made). 5th rnd: Sl st in next 7 sc and in next ch-3 loop, ch 4, in same loop make tr, ch 4 and 2 tr; * ch 7, in next ch-3 loop make 2 tr, ch 4 and 2 tr. Repeat from * around. Join with sl st to top of ch-4. 6th rnd: Sl st in next tr and in next sp, ch 4, in same sp make tr, ch 4 and 2 tr; * ch 4, sc in next sp, ch 3, sc in same sp, ch 4, in next sp make 2 tr, ch 4 and 2 tr. Repeat from * around. Join.
7th rnd: Sl st in next tr and in next sp, ch 4, in same sp make tr, ch 5 and 2 tr; * ch 6, skip next sp, sc in next loop, ch 6, skip next sp, in next sp between tr's make 2 tr, ch 5 and 2 tr. Repeat from * around. Join. 8th rnd: Sl st in next tr and in next sp, ch 4, make 10 tr in same sp, * ch 3, tr in each of next 2 sps, ch 3, 11 tr in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join. 9th rnd: Ch 5, (tr in next tr, ch 1) 9 times; * tr in next tr, ch 5, sc in each of next 2 ch-3 sps; ch 5, (tr in next tr, ch 1) 10 times. Repeat from * around. Join to 4th ch of ch-5. 10th rnd: Ch 6, * (tr in next tr, ch 2) 9 times; tr in next 2 tr, ch 2. Repeat from * around, ending with tr in last tr. Join to 4th ch of ch-6. 11th rnd: Sl st in next sp, (ch 5, sc in next sp) 3 times; * ch 4, skip next tr, in next tr make tr, ch 5 and tr; ch 4, skip next sp, sc in next sp, (ch 5, sc in next ch-2 sp) 7 times. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
FLOWER MOTIF (Make 12)—First Motif…With Yellow work as for Center until 3rd rnd is completed. 4th rnd: Attach White at tip of any cluster, 7 sc in next sp, ch 1, sl st in center ch-5 loop of any scallop on Center, ch 1, 7 sc in same sp on Motif, 7 sc in next sp on Motif, ch 1, skip 2 loops on center, sl st in next loop, ch 1, 7 sc in same sp on Motif, 7 sc in next sp on Motif, ch 1, skip 3 loops on Center, sl st in next loop, ch 1, 7 sc in same sp on Motif, 7 sc in next sp on Motif, ch 1, sl st in center ch-5 loop of same scallop on Center, ch 1, 7 sc in same sp on Motif and complete rnd as for 4th rnd of Center (no more joinings). Join and break off.
SECOND MOTIF … With Yellow work as for First Motif until 3rd rnd is completed. 4th rnd: Attach White at tip of any cluster, 7 sc in next sp, ch 1, sl st in ch-3 loop of first free point following joining on First Motif, ch 1, 7 sc in same sp on Second Motif, 7 sc in next sp on Second Motif, ch 1, sl st in same center loop of scallop on Center as last joining of First Motif was made, ch 1 and complete as for First Motif, joining next 3 points of Second Motif to Center as First Motif was joined.
Make 10 more motifs, joining each to previous motif and to Center as Second Motif was joined.
EDGING … 1st rnd: Attach White to first free point on any motif, sc in same place, * (ch 13, sc in next point) 5 times; ch 5, sc in next free point. Repeat from * around. Join. 2nd rnd: * (In next sp make 8 sc, ch 3 and 8 sc) 5 times; 4 sc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
FLOWER CENTER (Make 13) … Starting at center with Black, ch 2. 1st rnd: 5 sc in 2nd ch from hook. 2nd rnd: 2 sc in each sc around. 3rd rnd: * 2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc. Repeat from * around (15 sc). 4th rnd: * Work off 2 sc as 1 sc, sc in next sc. Repeat from * around. Break off. Sew one to center of each flower. Starch lightly and press.