Not raining! but cute Hot Pot Holders that will attract attention and be serviceable too. They are to be padded and lined to cover the joining of the head and body, for added protection.
MATERIALS: A ball of White Enterprise Yarn and 30 yds. of color for a pair.
CAT—BODY: With White, ch 25, sc in second st from hook, (ch 1, sk 1, sc in next) twice, hdc in 2 sts, dc in 2, sk 1, sc in 3, sk 1, hdc, dc in 2, hdc, sk 1, sc, ch 1, sk 1, sc in next, ch 1, 2 sc in end st.
ROW 2: Ch 2, sc in last sc, (ch 1, sc in next) 3 times, (ch 1, sk 1, sc in next) 7 times, ch 1, 2 sc in end.
NOTE: The abbreviation ptn or ptna = pattern or pattern across mentioned in following rows means (ch 1, sc in next sc) to be worked between increases or decreases at end of rows. Turn to start each succeeding row.
ROW 3: Ch 2, sc in last sc, ptna, with 2 sc in end. Repeat this row 3 times.
ROW 7: Ch 1, sc in last sc, ptna. Repeat 4 times.
ROW 12: Ch 1, sc in last 2 sc, ptna to second from end, sc in end.
ROW 13: Ch 1, sk last sc, sc in next, ptn to second sc from end, sl st in end. Repeat Rows 7 and 13.
ROW 16: Ch 1, 2 sc in last sc, ptn to end, 2 sc in end. Repeat Rows 12, 13, 7 and 13. Fasten off.
EDGE: Work around (except across top) as Edge on Dog.
HEAD: With White, ch 14, 2 sc in second st from hook, ch 1, sk 1, sc in next, hdc in 2, dc in 3, holding last loop of each on hook, thread over and pull through all 4 loops at once (a cluster), hdc in 2, sc, ch 1, 2 sc in end st.
ROW 2: Ch 2, 2 sc in last sc, (ch 1, sc in next)
twice, (ch 1, sc in next second st) 3 times. Ch 1,
sc in next, ch 1, 2 sc in end.
ROW 3: Ch 2, sc in last sc, ptna.
ROW 4: Ch 1, 2 sc in last sc, ptna, 2 sc in end.
ROW 5: Ch 1, sc in last sc, ptna. Repeat 3 times.
ROW 9: Ch 1, sk last sc, sc in next, pin 9 times, sl st in end sc. Repeat Row 4 once; Row 5 three times; and Row 4 once.
ROW 15: Ch 3, dc in last sc, 2 dc and 1 hdc in next, hdc in next, sl st in next, ch 1, sc in next, 2 hdc in next (2 dc in next) twice, 2 hdc in next, sc in next, ch 1, sl st in next, hdc in next, hdc and 2 dc in next, (dc, ch 3 and sl st) in end sc. Fasten off. Work around Edge in color. Ch 2, sl st in same dc at top of each ear.
BOW: With color, ch 2, sc in first st. Ch 1, turn, 2 sc in sc. (Ch 1, turn, sc in each sc, with 2 sc in end) for 4 rows. (Ch 1, turn, 6 sc) twice. Fasten off. Make four pieces. Sew these on top of Body, half the width of 2 upper pieces extending above Body, then lap Head slightly over top edge of Bow and Body and tack. With strand of Color, embroider eyes and Whiskers on Head, legs and body, as in illustration. Pad and line, and sew ring at top.
DOG: Starting at bottom of body—With White ch 27, sc in second st from hook, ch 1, sc in next second st, 2 hdc, 4 dc, sk 1, 4 sc, sk 1, 2 hdc, 5 dc, sk 1, sc, ch 1, sk 1, 2 sc in end st.
ROW 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in last sc, (ch 1, sc in next) twice, (ch 1, sk 1, sc in next) 9 times, ch 1, 2 sc in end sc.
See note in Cat Instructions, Row 2.
ROW 3: Ch 1, sc in last sc, ptna 14 times.
ROW 4: Ch 2, sk last sc, sc in next, ptna to second sc from end, sc in end.
ROW 5: Ch 1, sc in last sc, ptna, 2 sc in end. Repeat this row once.
ROW 7: Ch 1, sc in last sc, ptna. Repeat Row 7, then 5.
ROW 10: Ch 1, sc in last 2 sc, ptna.
ROW 11: Ch 1, sc in last sc, ptna to second sc from end, sc in end sc.
ROW 12: Ch 1, sc in last 2 sc, ptna. Repeat Rows 11 and 12.
ROW 13: Ch 1, sk last sc, sc in next, * ptna to second sc from end, sl st in end.
ROW 16: Ch 2, sk sl st, sc in next 2 sc, repeat from * in Row 15.
ROW 17: Ch 1, sk sl st, 2 sc in next sc, ptna 11 times, sc in next, sl st in end. Repeat Row 12; Row 7 four times; Rows 11 and 4 once.
ROW 25: Ch 1, sk last sc, sc in next, ptna. Repeat Row 4.
ROW 27: Ch 1, 2 sc in last sc, sc in next, ptn 8 times, sc in end sc. Repeat Row 11 once; Row 7 twice.
ROW 31: Ch 1, 2 sc in last sc, ptna, 2 sc in end. Repeat Rows 7, 5, 12 and 4.
ROW 36: Ch 1, sc in last sc, ptna to second sc from end, sl st in end.
ROW 37: Ch 2, sk sl st, sl st in next sc, ch 1, (2 hdc in next) twice, sc in next sc, 2 hdc in next, 2 dc in next, 2 hdc in next, sc in next, in ptn 4 times, sc in end.
ROW 38: Ch 1, sk last sc, sc in next, ch 1, 2 hdc in next, 2 dc in next, 2 dc and 1 hdc in next, ch 1, sl st in next sc. Fasten off.
EDGE: Join Color, (ch 1, sl st in next second row or st) around. Fasten off.
LEFT EAR: With Color, ch 2, 2 sc in starting st, ch 1, sc in last sc, 2 sc in next, * (ch 1, sc in each sc with 2 sc in end sc) twice. (Ch 1, sc in each sc) twice. Ch 1, sk last sc, sc in 4 sc. Ch 3, dc and hdc in last sc, sc in next, sl st in next. Fasten off.
RIGHT EAR: Repeat Left Ear to *. (Ch 1, sc in each sc. Ch 1, sc in each sc across, with 2 sc in end sc) twice. Ch 1, sk 1, sc in 4 sc. Ch 1, 3 sc and sl st. Ch 1, sl st in next sc, sc in next, 2 sc in next, ch 6, sk last ch st, 2 sc in next, sc in next 3 ch sts, sl st in next sc. Fasten off.
EYES: With Color, ch 2, 5 sc in starting st, sl st in first sc. Fasten off. Make 2.
NOSE: With Color, ch 2, (sc, hdc, 3 dc, hdc and sc) in first st. Fasten off.
Sew ears, eyes and nose in place. Following illustrations and using a single strand, embroider head and legs, using to ¼" to ½" back stitches. With White make a tiny stitch on right half of each eye for high light.
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