MATERIALS: J. & P. COATS "KNIT-CRO-SHEEN" or BEDSPREAD COTTON: Single Size Spread—72 x 108 inches (including fringe)—50 balls of White or Ecru, or 75 balls of any color, Double Size Spread—90 x 108 inches (including fringe)—63 balls of White or Ecru, or 94 balls of any color … Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.
GAUGE: Block measures 6½ inches from side to side.
BLOCK … Starting at center, ch 12. Join with sl st. 1st rnd: Ch 3, 29 dc in ring. Sl st in top of ch-3. 2nd rnd: Ch 3, * (5 dc in next dc, drop loop from hook, insert hook in 1st dc and draw dropped loop through—pc st made—dc in next dc) twice; ch 2, dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Sl st in top of ch-3. 3rd rnd: Ch 3, * (pc st in tip of pc st, dc in next dc) twice; ch 4, dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join. 4th rnd: Ch 3, * (pc st in next pc st, dc in next dc) twice; ch 6, dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join. 5th rnd: Ch 3, pc st in same place as sl st, * (dc in next pc st, pc st in next dc) twice; dc in same place as last pc st, ch 6, in next dc make dc and pc st. Repeat from * around. Join. 6th rnd: Ch 3, 2 dc in same place as sl st, * pc st in same place, (dc in next pc st, pc st in next dc) 3 times; 3 dc in same place as last pc st, ch 4, 3 dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join. 7th rnd: Ch 3, pc st in same place as sl st, * dc in next dc, pc st in next dc, dc in next pc st, ch 2, skip next dc and the following pc st; in next dc make 2 dc, ch 3 and 2 dc; ch 2, skip next pc st and the following dc, dc in next pc st, pc st in next dc, dc in next dc, in next dc make pc st and dc; ch 2, in next dc make dc and pc st. Repeat from * around. Join. 8th rnd: Ch 3, make dc and pc st in same place as sl st, * dc in next pc st, pc st in next dc, dc in next pc st, ch 2, dc in next sp, ch 2, in next sp make 2 dc, ch 3 and 2 dc; ch 2, dc in next sp, ch 2, skip next dc, (dc in next pc st, pc st in next dc) twice; 2 dc in same place as last pc st, in next dc make 2 dc and pc st. Repeat from * around. Join. 9th rnd: Ch 3, * (pc st in next dc, dc in next pc st) twice; (ch 2, dc in next sp) twice; ch 2, in next sp make 2 dc, ch 3 and 2 dc; (ch 2, dc in next sp) twice; ch 2, skip 1 dc, (dc in next pc st, pc st in next dc) twice; dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join to tip of pc st. 10th rnd: Ch 3, pc st in next dc, dc in next pc st, * (ch 2, dc in next sp) 3 times; dc in next 2 dc, in next sp make 2 dc, ch 3 and 2 dc; dc in next 2 dc, dc in next sp, (ch 2, dc in next sp) twice; ch 2, skip next dc, (dc in next pc st, pc st in next dc) 3 times; dc in next pc st. Repeat from * around. Join. 11th rnd: Sl st in next pc st, ch 5 (to count as dc and ch 2), (dc in next sp, ch 2) twice; * dc in next sp, dc in next 5 dc, in next sp make 2 dc, ch 3 and 2 dc; dc in next 5 dc, dc in next sp, (ch 2, dc in next sp) twice; ch 2, skip next dc, (dc in next pc st, pc st in next dc) twice; dc in next pc st, (ch 2, dc in next sp) twice; ch 2. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
For Single Size Spread make 6 rows of 14 Blocks and 5 rows of 15 Blocks. For Double Size Spread make 8 rows of 14 Blocks and 7 rows of 15 Blocks. Sew Blocks neatly together on wrong side, alternating rows of 14 and 15 Blocks.

Popcorn Pinwheel Bedspread Pattern #682
Marguerite Bedspread Pattern #6132
Wild Irish Rose Bedspread Pattern #6128
Crochet Bedspread Pattern #6123
Crochet Bedspread Pattern #6124
Crochet Bedspread Pattern #6126
Crochet Bedspread Pattern #6127
Crochet Bedspread Pattern #6131
Crochet Bedspread Pattern #6133
Knit Bedspread Pattern #6129
Knit Bedspread Pattern #6130