AFGHAN No. 691-A
Approximately 47 x 67 Inches
MATERIALS: Chadwick's Red Heart Afghan Wool, 23 skeins (1 oz. skeins) of Old Gold, 10 skeins Antique Green, 6 skeins Brique, and 5 skeins Beauvais Brown.
Milward's Steel Crochet Hook No. 1/0.
Gauge: 5 sps make 2 inches; 2 rows make 1 inch.
Starting at short end with Old Gold, ch 237 (5 ch sts to 1 inch). 1st row: D c in 7th ch from hook, * ch 1, skip 1 ch, d c in next ch. Repeat from * across (116 sps). Ch 4, turn. 2nd row: Skip 1st d c, * d c in next d c, ch 1. Repeat from * across, ending with ch 1, skip 1 ch, d c in next ch. Ch 4, turn. Repeat 2nd row, changing colors as follows: ** 4 rows Old Gold, 2 rows Antique Green, 2 Brique, 4 Old Gold, 2 Antique Green, 2 Beauvais Brown. Repeat from ** 7 more times. Then repeat the 1st 12 rows once more. Fasten off. Block to measure 47 x 67 inches.
WEAVING … Cut 4 strands of Antique Green, each 20 inches longer than length of Afghan and, starting at lower edge, weave these 4 strands in and out each space lengthwise, leaving center ridge of each color-stripe on top and taking care not to draw strands too tight in order to keep blocked measurements (leave extra length of strands free at each end for fringe). Fill in all other spaces in same manner, using colors as follows: another row of Green, 2 rows Brown, 4 Old Gold, 2 Brique, 2 Green, 4 Old Gold, 2 Brique, 2 Brown, 4 Old Gold, 2 Brique, 2 Green, 4 Old Gold, 2 Brown, 2 Brique, 4 Old Gold, 2 Green, 2 Brique, 4 Old Gold, 2 Brown, 2 Green, 4 Old Gold, 2 Brique, 2 Green, 4 Old Gold, 2 Brique, 2 Brown, 4 Old Gold, 2 Green, 2 Brique, 4 Old Gold, 2 Green, 2 Brown, 4 Old Gold, 2 Green, 2 Brique, 4 Old Gold, 2 Brown, 2 Green, 4 Old Gold, 2 Brique, 2 Green, 4 Old Gold, 2 Brown, 2 Brique.
FRINGE … Pick up 4 strands left free at one end of 1st row and make a knot close to Afghan. * Knot together 4 strands of each of next 2 rows. Repeat from * across. Trim ends evenly.
MATERIALS: Chadwick's Red Heart Afghan Wool, 2 skeins (1 oz. skeins) of Old Gold, and 1 skein each of Antique Green, Beauvais Brown and Brique.
Milward's Steel Crochet Hook No. 1/0.
Pillow 14 x 18 inches.
Lining material.
Starting at long side, with Old Gold ch 95 (5 ch sts to 1 inch), and work in pattern as for Afghan until 4 Old Gold stripes are made (10 stripes in all). Fasten off. Darn and finish with fringe as for Afghan. Cover pillow with lining material and tack crocheted piece to pillow.
Morning Glory Afghan and Pillow Pattern
Moderne Afghan Pattern
Fleetwood Afghan Pattern
Carnival Granny Afghan Pattern
Pennant Afghan Pattern
Trophy Afghan Pattern
Green Pastures Afghan Pattern
Tartan Afghan and Pillow Pattern
Calico Afghan Pattern
Caprice Afghan Pattern
Victoriana Afghan Pattern
Primrose Path Afghan and Pillow Pattern
Greenwood Afghan Pattern
Regimental Afghan Pattern