Lily SKYTONE Mercerized Crochet Cotton:–4-balls Cream and 9-balls Delft Blue (Sufficient for 4 place Mats).
Crochet hook No. 11.
DOILY–(Size–11 x 19 inches)–With Blue ch 124, sk last st, sc in remaining 123 ch, drawing a lp of Cream thru 2 lps of final sc. ROW 2–(Follow 1st Row of Chart from left to right). Ch 1, turn and working over Blue and starting end of Cream, make sc in 1st sc, drop Blue down on side next you, holding back the last lp of each dc on hook, make 2 dc in next sc, thread over and draw thru all 3 lps on hook (a Cluster puff st made), draw up Blue and make a Cream sc over it in next sc, pulling sc down tight so that the puff st puffs out on back which will be the right side of doily. (Drop Blue again, a 2-dc Cream puff st in next sc, draw up Blue and make a Cream sc over it in next sc) repeated across (61 puff sts). Join Blue thru 2 lps of final sc. ROW 3–Ch 1, turn and working over Cream, sc in 1st sc, (sc in next puff st, sc in next sc) repeated across (123 sc), drawing Cream thru 2 lps of final sc,–completing 1st row on Chart.
CHART ROW 2–Ch 1, turn and working over Blue, make sc in 1st sc, drop Blue on side next you, a 2-dc puff st in next sc, draw up Blue and make sc over it in next sc drawing Blue up taut and thru the 2 lps of sc. Drop Cream down on side towards you and (make a Blue puff st in next sc, draw up Cream and make a Blue sc over it in next sc) 4 times pulling up Cream taut and thru the final sc. * With Cream make (a puff st in next sc, sc in next sc) 3 times joining Blue thru last sc, with Blue make (a puff st in next sc, sc in next sc) 5 times, join Cream thru last sc. Work over the other thread only when making sc between puff sts, dropping it on side next to you (back of doily), when making puff sts. Always join each color thru the sc following puff st. Repeat from * across, following Chart from left to right. End row with (puff st, sc) 4 times in Blue, (puff st, sc) in Cream, join Blue. Repeat Row 3 in Blue, completing 2d Chart Row.
CHART ROW 3–Ch 1, turn, sc in 1st sc, (puff st, sc) in Cream, (puff st, sc) 5 times in Blue, * (puff st, sc) in Cream, (puff st, sc) 7 times in Blue. Repeat from * across, ending with (puff st, sc) 5 times in Blue, (puff st, sc) in Cream, join Blue. Repeat Row 3 in Blue. Continue, following Chart.
Be careful not to add or drop sts. Puffs should be exactly above those in previous rows. Always start each Chart Row with 1 sc, then each square on Chart equals 1 puff st and 1 sc. Work back with a row of 123 Blue sc to complete each Chart Row.
After final sc-row completing doily, fasten off Cream, ch 1, turn with Blue and make sl st in each sc across. Fasten off. Make sl st in each st across other end. Stretch and pin doily right-side-down in true shape. Steam and press dry thru a cloth.

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