2–300 Yd. Balls White, Ecru or Colors.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 10 or 11.
Doily measures about 14 inches in diameter.
Ch 7, join to form a ring, ch 1, 11 s c into ring.
2nd Row. Ch 5, d c in next s c, * ch 2, d c in next s c, repeat from * 9 times, ch 2, join in 3rd st of ch.
3rd Row. Sl st to loop, ch 3, 2 d c over same loop and 3 d c over each remaining loop. Join. (Join each row.)
4th Row. Ch 5, s c between groups of d c (over d c of 2nd row), repeat from beginning all around.
5th Row. Sl st to center of loop, ch 11, tr c over next loop, * ch 7, tr c over next loop, repeat from * 9 times, ch 7, join in 4th st of ch.
6th Row. Ch 3, 2 d c in same space with joining, * ch 4, sl st in center st of loop, ch 4, 3 d c in next tr c, repeat from * all around.
7th Row. Ch 3, d c in same space, 1 d c in next d c, 2 d c in next d c, * ch 7, 2 d c in 1st d c of next group, 1 d c in next d c, 2 d c in next d c, repeat from * all around.
8th Row. Ch 3, 1 d c in each d c, * ch 4, sl st in center st of loop, ch 4, sl st in same space, ch 4, 1 d c in each d c and repeat from * all around.
9th Row. Ch 3, d c in same space, 1 d c in each of the next 3 d c, 2 d c in last d c, * ch 7, 2 d c in 1st d c of next group, 1 d c in each of the next 3 d c, 2 d c in last d c, repeat from * all around.
10th Row. Sl st to next d c, ch 3, 1 d c in each of the next 4 d c, * ch 5, sl st in center st of loop, ch 4, sl st in same space, ch 5, 1 d c in each of the center 5 d c, repeat from * all around.
11th Row. Sl st to next d c, ch 3, 1 d c in each of the next 2 d c, * ch 15, 1 d c in each of the 3 center d c, repeat from * all around.
12th Row. Sl st to center d c, ch 11, sl st in center st of ch, ch 4, sl st in same space, ch 8, * d c in center d c, ch 8, sl st in center st of next ch, ch 4, sl st in same space, ch 8 and repeat from * all around, join in 4th st of ch.
13th Row. Ch 13, * d c into picot, ch 9, d c in d c, ch 9 and repeat from * all around, join in 4th st of ch.
14th Row. Ch 3, thread over, insert in same st and work off 2 loops, thread over, insert in same st and work off all loops 2 at a time, ch 4, sl st in top of cluster st for picot, ch 3, thread over, insert in same st and work off 2 loops, thread over, insert in same st and work off 2 loops twice, thread over, insert in same st and work off 2 loops twice, thread over, insert in same st and work off all loops 2 at a time, ch 4, sl st in top of cluster st for picot, * ch 4, sl st in center st of ch, ch 4, sl st in same space, ch 4, 2 cluster sts with picot on top of each cluster st and ch 3 between in next d c and repeat from * all around, break thread.
15th Row. Attach thread between two picots, ch 17, d c between next two picots, * ch 15, d c between next 2 picots, repeat from * all around and join in 3rd st of ch 17.
16th Row. Ch 11, sl st in center of ch, ch 4, sl st in same space, ch 8, * d c in top of d c, ch 8, sl st in center of ch, ch 4, sl st in same space, ch 8 and repeat from * all around.
17th Row. Repeat 13th row.
18th Row. Ch 3, cluster st in d c, * ch 4, sl st in lop of cluster st, ch 4, sl st in center of ch, ch 4, sl st in same space, ch 4, cluster st in d c, repeat from * all around.
19th Row. Ch 10, d c in picot of cluster st, * ch 8, d c in picot of next cluster st, repeat from * all around.
20th Row. Ch 8, sl st in center of next ch, * ch 4, sl st in same space, ch 5, d c in d c, ch 5, sl st in next ch and repeat from * all around.
21st Row. Ch 11, d c in d c, * ch 8, d c in d c, repeat from * all around.
22nd Row. Repeat 14th row.
23rd Row. Repeat 15th row.
24th Row. Repeat 16th row.
25th Row. Repeat 13th row.
26th Row. Repeat 18th row.
27th Row. Repeat 19th row.
28th Row. Ch 7, sl st in center of next ch, * ch 4, sl st in same space, ch 4, d c in d c, ch 4, sl st in center of next ch, repeat from * all around.
29th Row. Ch 8, d c in d c, * ch 6, d c in next d c, repeat from * all around and join in 7th st of ch 8.
30th Row. Ch 3, cluster st in d c, * ch 4, sl st in top of cluster st just made, ch 3, sl st in center of next ch, ch 4, sl st in same space, ch 3, cluster st in d c, repeat from * all around.
Ruffle Doily Pattern #2201
Doily Pattern #2202
Doily Pattern #2203
Doily Pattern #2204
Doily Pattern #2205
Doily Pattern #2206
Luncheon Set Pattern #2207
Doily Pattern #2211
Doily Pattern #2212
Luncheon Set Pattern #2214
Motif Pattern #2215
Motif Pattern #2216
Oblong Doily Pattern #2219
Doily Pattern #2220
Doily Pattern #2221
Doily Pattern #2222
Clover Leaf Doily Pattern #2223
Doily Pattern #2224
Doily Pattern #2225
Doily Pattern #2226
Doily Pattern #2227
Doily Pattern #2228
Doily Pattern #2229
Motif Pattern #2217
Motif Pattern #2218
Tatted Doily Pattern #2208
Tatted Doily Pattern #2209
Luncheon Set Pattern #2213
Tatted Doily Pattern #2210