Size 34-36
Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Knitting and Crochet Cotton, 9 balls of color 102 Coffee Brown, and 1 ball each of 106 Sport Green and 84 Beige. J. & P. Coats Crochet Cord requires 3 times as many balls of Coffee Brown. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 1 and work loosely. Wrist bands are worked with 2 pairs of No. 13 steel knitting needles, and ribbing at bottom with 1 pair of No. 3 bone needles.
Other suggested color combinations are:
26 Nile Green—88 Peach—White
68 Skipper Blue—25 Crystal Blue—White
106 Sport Green—26 Nile Green—9 Yellow
102 Coffee Brown—84 Beige—Ecru
Back. Begin at bottom with Brown, crocheting very loosely. Ch 105 (15 inches), turn, skip 3 ch, 1 s c in next, * ch 1, skip 1, 1 s c in next; repeat from * to end (52 s c in row). 2nd row: Turn, ch 2, skip 1st s c, * 1 s c under next ch-1, ch 1, repeat from * across row, making 1 s c under ch loop at end. Repeat 2nd row until work is 12 inches long (about 84 rows). Make it only 10 inches long if a shorter blouse is preferred.
Armholes. Decrease 1 s c at each end of every 2nd row until 3 s c have been decreased at each side. Work even until piece measures 16¼ inches (14¼ inches for shorter blouse). Divide work at center of row for center back opening and work each half separately. On first side, work back and forth for 2½ inches, which completes armhole.
Shoulder. Make 3 rows, decreasing 3 s c at armhole end on each row. In next row decrease 3 s c at center end for back of next, 3 s c at other end as usual. Make 3 rows, decreasing at the neck end 1 s c in 1st and 3rd rows, and at the other end as usual. Fasten off. Make other side to correspond.
Important Note. Before starting front, wind off about ⅓ of Sport Green in a separate ball, and use that to work second Green section of front. While front must be worked with 5 balls at the same time, it is not difficult if care is taken to see that each new color runs freely from ball to work, without twisting other colors when it is picked up. This takes but a second, and if it is done, all danger of tangling is avoided. Always let the colors not in use hang on the wrong side of the crochet, and much twisting is avoided if the color to be dropped is thrown toward the right, and the new color picked up at the left of it.
Front. Lower front is worked as back, excepting for changing colors at center. With Brown make ch same as for back. 1st row: Make 11 s c with Brown. Draw through Green thread in making ch after 11th s c, letting Brown hang. Work 8 s c with Green. Change to Beige and make 14 s c. With a second ball of Green, work 8 s c. With another ball of Brown make 11 s c. Work back and forth, Brown over Brown, Green over Green, Beige over Beige, until 12 rows have been made. 13th row: 12 s c with Brown, 8 s c with Green, 12 s c with Beige, 8 s c with Green, 8 s c with Brown. Make 11 rows more like 13th row, and again add 1 s c to each Brown section, making Beige section 2 s c narrower. Do this every 12th row, until no Beige sts remain, then fasten off Beige and one Green thread, working across center of row with Green, increasing Brown at sides every 12th row as before. Continue as for back until total length is 18 inches (16 inches for shorter blouse), omitting center opening. Count off 6 s c at center of row for front of neck, and work each side separately. At armhole end of rows work even until front of armhole is same length as back, and at neck end decrease 2 s c in 1st row, 1 s c in next 2 rows. Work shoulder rows same as back. Sew up shoulder seams. Work 2 rows s c with Brown around neck and down right side of center back opening. In last row down opening, make 3 ch st buttonloops spaced evenly. Work 3 rows s c down left side of opening and sew on buttons to correspond with loops.
Sleeve. Use Brown. Ch 64 and work in pattern, increasing 1 s c at each end of every 14th row twice, then every 12th row until there are about 47 s c in row (12 inches). Work even for 10 rows or till sleeve is correct length (16 inches). * Decrease 1 s c at each end of next 2 rows, then 1 row without decreasing. Repeat from * until 11 s c remain. Fasten off. Join all seams.
Wrists. With 3 steel needles pick up 60 sts around bottom of sleeve, 20 sts on each needle. K 2, p 2 for 1½ inches. Bind off loosely.
Bottom Ribbing. With bone needles, pick up 102 sts across bottom of front, k 2, p 2 for 1½ inches, bind off loosely. Work same ribbing across back, and sew together at sides.
Triangle Shell Blouse Pattern
Pyramid Crocheted Pullover Pattern
Saddle Shoulder Slipon Pattern
Summer Mesh Blouse Pattern
Scotch Tam Pattern
Tyrolean Hat Pattern
Tyrolean Scarf Pattern
Square Top Hat Pattern
Chain Mesh Glove Pattern
Seashell Bag Pattern
Crocheted Shirtwaist Dress Pattern
Crocheted Sport Gloves Pattern
Crocheted Cotton Lace Dress Pattern
Lacy Knitted Striped Blouse Pattern
Pull-Over Sweater Pattern
Tweed Mixture Cardigan Jacket Pattern
Two Piece Knitted Dress with Crochet Trim Pattern
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Tyrolean Gauntlet Gloves Pattern