Materials: Clark's O.N.T. (4 balls) or J. & P. Coats (3 balls) Mercerized Crochet, size 60, White. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 12. 3 small buttons. 2 snap fasteners.
Collar. The collar is made up of a foundation band of d c's, over which are worked 5 points in clovers (one large point for front, and two small points on each side). Collar is fastened at back with buttons. Cuff is made up in same way as collar, having only 1 point.
Band. Starting at neck, ch 295 (to measure about 20 inches), turn. 1st row: D c in 4th ch from hook and d c in each ch across (293 d c), ch 3, turn. 2nd to 7th rows incl: D c in each d c, making 20 increases in each row at regular intervals but do not make an increase over an increase of previous row. (To increase, make 2 d c in 1 d c.) 413 d c in the 7th row.
First Small Point in Clover Pattern. 1st row: Ch 4, skip 2 d c, sl st in the next d c, ch 3, 1 d c in same st as sl st, working off the last 2 loops of d c very loosely, ch 3, 2 d c in loose st (this loose st will be called the center of clover), ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 1 d c in center, sl st in first sl st of band (this completes one clover of 4 petals). 2nd row: Ch 5, skip 3 d c, sl st in next d c of band, ch 3, remove hook, insert it in tip of petal just before last completed petal, and pull loop through, ch 7, 1 d c in 4th ch, making the last 2 sts very loosely (which will be center), ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 1 d c in center, sl st to tip of incomplete petal, ch 7, sl st in same st as sl st of band. 3rd row: Ch 5, skip 3 d c, sl in next d c, ch 3. 1 d c in same st as sl st, working off last 2 loops very loosely, ch 3, 2 d c in loose st which is center. Remove hook, insert it in 4th ch of ch-7, and pull loop through, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 1 d c in center, ch 3, remove hook, insert it in tip of adjacent free petal of completed clover and pull loop through, ch 7, 1 d c in 4th ch making last 2 sts very loosely which is center, ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 1 d c in center, sl st to tip of first incomplete petal, * ch 7, sl st to tip of incomplete petal of next clover, 1 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 1 d c in center, sl st to tip of other incomplete petal in band. 4th row: Ch 5, skip 3 d c, sl st in next d c of foundation, ch 3, remove hook, insert it in tip of petal just before last completed petal, and pull loop through, ch 7, 1 d c in 4th ch making the last 2 sts very loosely, which is center, ch 3, 1 d c in center, remove hook, insert it in 4th ch of ch-7, pull loop through, 1 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, d c in center, ch 3, remove hook, insert it in tip of adjacent free petal of next clover and draw loop through, ch 7, d c in 4th ch working the last 2 loops loosely (center), ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, 1 d c in center, sl st to tip of incomplete petal, and thus work back to complete the row as in previous rows. One clover is being increased in every other row. 5th to 10th rows incl: Continue to work in this way until there are 5 clovers in each of last 2 rows (10 clovers in a line, counting from the first clover made and along outside edge). This completes one half of first small point. 11th row: Work same as before until the 2nd petal of the 5th clover has been completed, then make 2 more petals on the same clover omitting the connecting chains, then, complete the incompleted petal of same clover, ch 7, sl st to tip of incompleted petal of next clover, and finish row as before. (5 clovers in this row). Thus decrease 1 clover in every other row at the outer edge until there are 2 clovers in each of last 2 rows (8 clovers in a line, counting from the 10th clover and along outside edge).
Begin Second Small Point. Increase 1 clover in every other row (as in first half of first point) until 8 clovers are completed counting from the 8th clover of first point and along outside edge; then decrease as in second half of first point, until 8 clovers (counting along outside edge) are completed.
Now Begin Front Point. Increase 1 clover in every other row until there are 22 clovers in a row counting from the 8th clover of 2nd point and along outside edge. Decrease as before, and work the next two points in the same way as first two points, and finish off. Heading. With right side of collar towards you join thread to foundation ch, at your left. 1st row: * Ch 7, 2 d c in 4th ch, making the last 2 loops of d c very loosely, which is center, ch 3, 2 d c in center remove hook, insert it in 6th st of foundation ch, pull loop through, ch 3, sl st to center, ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, remove hook, skip 5 ch of foundation, insert hook in next ch, pull loop through and repeat from * to end of row ending row with a clover, ch 3. 2nd row: * Sl st in center, ch 3, 2 d c in center, ch 3, sl st in center, ch 3, sl st to tip of next petal, ch 3, sl st to petal of next clover, ch 3, and repeat from * to end of row. Work 1 row of s c down each side of d c band and make 3 chain loops for buttonholes on right side. Sew buttons to correspond on opposite side of collar and finish off.
Cuffs. Band: Ch 66, turn. 1st row: D c in 4th ch from hook and d c in each ch across (64 d c), ch 3, turn. 2nd and 3rd rows: D c in each d c, ch 3, turn. Clover Pattern. Work as same as for collar for 11 rows (11 clovers in a line counting from the first clover made and along outside edge). Then decrease (as in collar) to correspond. Heading. Same as for collar. Fasten cuffs with snaps.

Clover Stitch Collar and Cuffs Pattern
Cluny Collar and Cuffs Pattern
Cascade Collar Pattern
Pierrot Collar Pattern
Peasant Collar and Cuffs Pattern
French Collar Pattern
Collar and Cuffs Militaire Pattern
Festoon Collar Pattern
Butterfly Collar Pattern
Cross Stitch Scarf Pattern
Peter Pan Frill Pattern
Cluster Collar and Jabot Pattern
Dotted Tie Pattern
Hieroglyphics Pattern
Streamline Clasps Pattern
Toppling Shell Collar Pattern
Renaissance Collar Pattern
Whirlpool Collar Pattern
Royal Lady Collar Pattern
Cameo Collar Pattern
Triangular Chain Mesh Scarf Pattern
Empire Collar Pattern
V Neck Double Frill Pattern
Reversible Vestee Pattern