YARN: 6 ounces of 3-ply Baby Yarn.
HOOKS: 1 bone No. 6 (10-inch). 1 bone No. 2 (5-inch).
ANGORA: 1 ball (45-yds).
GAUGE: 6½ stitches to an inch. 5 rows to an inch.
SWEATER: Back: Using the #6 hook, make a chain of 73 sts. Draw up a loop in the 2nd st from hook, (leave on the needle) and in each of the remaining chain sts. Work off as follows: yarn over and draw through end loop, * yarn over and purl through 2 loops; repeat from * to end of row. 2nd row: (The loop that remains on the hook is the first st of this row): Pick up a loop through 2nd and all succeeding vertical bars, retaining loops on hook. Work off as directed for the first row. Repeat 2nd row for pattern. Make 9 rows of afghan stitch. 10th row: Decrease 1 st at each end of this row—to make a decrease insert hook under the 2nd and 3rd bars from edge. Working in the afghan stitch make a decrease every 4th row, 4 times more (63 sts). Work even until 30 rows have been completed (or about 6 inches). NEXT ROW: Raglan decreases: Insert hook under 2 bars and pull 1 loop through (decreases); work across row to within 3 sts of end; make a decrease; work last st. Work off loops. Repeat this last row until 20 decrease rows have been made (23 sts). Break off yarn.
RIGHT FRONT: Using the #6 hook, make a chain of 43 sts. Work in afghan stitch for 9 rows complete. Decrease 1 st at the end of the next row. Repeat decrease at this same edge every 4th row, 4 times (38 sts). Work even until there are the same number of rows as on the back. Raglan Decreases: Decrease 1 st at end of row, 15 times (23 sts). Neck shaping: Slip st over 8 sts; work over row, making a decrease at end of row. Work back. * Slip st over first 2 sts; work over row, making a decrease at end of row, work back. Repeat from *. Decrease 1 st at beginning and end of the next 2 rows. Break yarn.
LEFT FRONT: Work to correspond to the right front (decreases come at opposite edges).
SLEEVES: Using the large hook, make a chain of 31 sts for cuff and work 6 rows of afghan stitch complete. 7th row: Increase 1 st in every 3rd st across row (increase by drawing up an extra loop in chain st between bars), 41 sts in row. Working in afghan st, increase 1 st at each side of the work every 6th row twice (45 sts). Now work even until the sleeve measures 6¼ inches from beginning. Work 20 decrease rows in the same manner as back raglan decreases (5 sts remain). Break yarn. Make the other sleeve the same way.
FINISHING: Sew sleeve onto front along raglan line, then onto back. Sew the other sleeve the same way. Now sew the underarm seams together. Tie yarn in at the right front neck edge; and using the yarn and small hook, make a row of s c around neck edge; down left front; across the bottom and up the right front, keeping the work flat. Beading: Ch 3 sts, 1 d c in first s c, * ch 2, skip 2 sts, 1 d c in each of the next 2 sts; repeat from * around neck edge. Break yarn. Using the angora and the small hook, make 1 row of s c all around sweater. Embroider flowers on sweater with angora as in illustration.
BONNET: Using the #6 hook and starting at the back piece, make a chain of 12 sts. Work 2 rows in afghan st. Next row: Increase 1 st at each side of the work. Repeat increase every other row 3 times more. Work even for 7 rows. Decrease 1 st at each side of the work every row, 4 times. Break yarn. Front piece: Using the large hook, make a chain of 54 sts. Work 1 row of afghan stitch. 2nd row: Increase 1 st in every other st across row (80 loops on hook); work back. Work even for 24 rows (about 5 inches). Next row: Draw up a loop in each of the first 35 sts; work next 2 loops together as one (decrease); * draw up a loop in each of the next 2 sts; work next 2 loops together (decrease); repeat from * once, work to end of row. Work off all loops. Break yarn. Sew this piece to back piece, leaving the starting edges of 12 sts for back of neck. Neck band: Using the large hook and the right side of the work facing you, pick up 52 sts around neck edge. Make 4 rows of afghan stitch. Next row—binding off: Draw up a loop in the first bar as usual and draw yarn also through the loop on hook, continue across row. Break yarn. FRONT TURN BACK: Using the large hook, make a chain of 91 sts. Work 9 rows in afghan stitch. Bind off as on neck band. Break yarn.
FINISHING: Baste turn-back to front of bonnet. Using the small hook and the angora, make a row of s c along the front edge, inserting hook through both turn-back and bonnet. Continue with the s c around the edge of turn-back. Embroider with flowers and trim with ribbon.
BOOTIES: Instep and sole: Using the large hook, make a chain of 11 sts; pick up 1 loop on 2nd st from hook and in each of the remaining sts (11 loops). Work in the afghan st for 10 rows, chain 13 sts. Break yarn. Tie yarn at opposite corner and make a chain of 13 sts, do not break yarn, pull up 1 loop in 2nd st from hook and in each of the remaining ch sts; pull up 1 loop in each row along side of instep; 11 loops across toe; 1 loop in each row along 2nd side of instep and in the 13 chain sts. Work back and forth on these 57 sts for 5 rows. Decrease row: Decrease 1 st at beginning and end of row, at center of row and 1 st at each side of the toe piece (5 decreases). Work off loops. Next row: Decrease 1 st at beginning and end of this row. Bind off. Break yarn. UPPER PART: With the right side of the work facing you, tie yarn at back of bootie, pick up 13 loops on side; 11 loops across instep; 13 loops on 2nd side. Work in afghan st for 10 rows. Bind off on next row. Sew back and sole part of bootie. Make 1 row of s c around top with yarn. Then one row with angora. Make the other bootie the same way.