YARN: 5 ounces of 3-ply Baby Yarn or 5 ounces of 3-ply Nylon.
CROCHET HOOKS: 1 Bone No. 3. 1 Steel No. 1.
Trimming Silk: 1 ball (approx. 125 yards).
SWEATER: Back: Starting at the lower edge of the back, using the yarn and the No. 3 hook. Make a chain of 62 sts, turn, 1 s c in 2nd st from hook, 1 s c in each of the remaining chain st (61 s c). PATTERN—Row 1: Ch 3, turn; * skip 1 st, 1 d c in next 2 sts, 1 d c back into the skipped st; repeat from * across row, ending with 1 d c in last st. Ch 1, turn. Row 2: 1 s c in each d c across row (do not put a s c in top of turning chain). Repeat these 2 rows for the pattern. Work in the pattern until the piece measures 6 inches or length desired up to the underarm, ending with a s c row. Next row: Ch 1, turn; work across row in s c decreasing 10 sts across row (51 sts); chain 33 sts at end of this row for a sleeve. Attach a separate piece of yarn in top of turning ch-1 at opposite end of row, chain 32 sts for sleeve. Break yarn. Pick up the main yarn and work 1 s c in 2nd st from hook, 1 s c in each chain st, 1 s c in each st across back, 1 s c in each of the 32 sts of 2nd sleeve (115 sts). Ch 1, turn. Work in s c (stitch for stitch) until the sleeve measures 3¼ inches. Break yarn.
RIGHT FRONT: Chain 35 sts, turn, 1 s c in 2nd st from hook, 1 s c in each remaining chain st. Now work in the pattern until the piece measures the same as the back up to the underarm, ending with a s c row. Ch 1, turn, work across row decreasing to 28 sts, very loosely chain 33 sts (for sleeve), turn, 1 s c in 2nd ch from hook, 1 s c in each of the remaining chain sts, 1 s c in each st across row. Work 5 rows of s c. Working in s c decrease 1 st at the neck edge every row until 42 sts remain. Work even until the sleeve measures the same as the back one. Break yarn.
LEFT FRONT: Work to correspond to the right one.
CUFF: Sew the shoulder seams. Using the yarn and the #3 hook, holding the wrong side of the work towards you, make 50 s c across sleeve edge, ch 1, turn. Work in the pattern until 3 rows of pattern have been completed, ending with a s c row. Make the other cuff the same way. Sew sleeve and side seams.
EDGING: With the right side of the work facing you, tie yarn at the bottom of the left hand corner, make 1 row of s c all around sweater keeping the work flat. Break yarn. Tie in silk and using the #1 steel hook. 2nd row: * 1 s c in next 4 sts, ch 3, slip st back into first chain (picot); repeat from * all around sweater. Do the picot row at the cuffs.
BONNET: Using the #3 hook and the yarn, starting at the center back: Chain 3 sts, join with a slip st to form a ring. Make 6 s c into ring. 2nd rd: 2 s c in each st around. 3rd rd: (Mark the beginning of the rd. with a colored thread as an aid in counting rounds). Make 1 s c in next st, 2 s c in next st; repeat around once. 4th rd: 1 s c in next 2 sts, 2 s c in next st, repeat around once. Keep increasing 6 sts on a round having 1 more stitch between each increase until you have 14 sts between increases (86 sts). Ch 1, turn; make 1 s c in each of the next 79 sts (the remaining 17 sts are for the back of neck); chain 3, turn. Work in the pattern until the piece measures 4½ inches from last s c row, ending with a s c row. With the steel hook and the silk make one row of picot across the front edge. Fasten off. Turn back an inch at the front of bonnet and tack down at each side. Neck band: Using the yarn and the #3 hook, tie yarn in at the edge of front, work in s c along side front, across back, across 2nd front (about 67 s c). Ch 1, turn. Work 3 rows of s c. Break yarn and fasten off.
BOOTIES: Instep and sole: Chain 10 sts, turn, 1 s c in 2nd st from hook, 1 s c in each of the remaining ch-8 sts. Ch 1, turn. Work in s c for 8 more rows. Chain 28 sts very loosely for ankle; join with a slip st to opposite corner. Make 9 s c along side of instep, 9 s c across toe, 9 s c along 2nd side of instep, 1 s c in each of the 28-chain sts (55 sts). Mark the beginning of the round as an aid in counting. Work 10 rows of s c. Break yarn. Top part: Join yarn at center of back. Work in the pattern until the piece measures 2½ inches ending with a s c row. Break yarn. Sew up back and sole of bootie. Using the silk, make 1 row of picot across the top. Make the other bootie the same way.