Mercerized Cotton Size 30
1 steel Crochet Hook #10
1 bone ring ⅝-inch.
1st round: Make 24 s c over ring; now make a chain 14-inches long; 12 s c into ring; join with a slip st.
2nd round: Ch 3, into the next s c make - 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c (shell), ch 3, skip 3 s c, (into next s c make - 6 tr c), ch 2, skip 3 s c, into next s c make 3 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c (shell); turn.
3rd row: Slip st over top of 2 trebles, slip st into space; ch 3, over ch 2 space make - 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c; ch 3, slip st in top of first treble (in the group of 6); * ch 6, slip st in top of next tr c, repeat from * 4 times more; ch 3, over ch 2 space of end shell, make 3 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c (shell); turn.
4th row: Slip st over top of first 2 tr c, ch 3, over ch 2 space make - 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c; ch 3, slip st in center of ch 6 on row below, * ch 6, slip st in center of next ch; repeat from * 3 times more; ch 3, make a shell over last shell, turn.
5th row: Slip st across top of first 2 tr c, ch 3, over ch 2 space make - 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c; ch 3, slip st in center of ch 6, * ch 6, slip st in center of next ch; repeat from * 2 times more; ch 3, make a shell over end shell, turn.
6th row: Slip st across top of first 2 tr c; ch 3, over ch 2 space make - 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c; ch 3, slip st in center of ch 6, * ch 6, slip st in center of next ch 6; repeat from * once more; ch 3, make a shell over end shell, turn.
7th row: Slip st across first 2 tr c; ch 3, over ch 2 space make - 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c; ch 3, slip st in center of first ch 6 space; ch 6, slip st in center of next space, ch 3, make shell over end shell, turn.
8th row: Slip st across first 2 tr c; over ch 2 space make - 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c; ch 3, slip st in center of ch 6, ch 3, make a shell over end shell, turn.
9th row: Slip st across first 2 tr c; ch 3, over ch 2 space make - 2 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c; ch 2, make a shell over end shell.
10th row: Slip st across first 2 tr c, slip st once into space; over center ch 2 space make 3 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c; slip st to center of last ch 2 space.
Curtain Pull Pattern #800
Curtain Pull Pattern #801
Curtain Pull Pattern #802
Curtain Pull Pattern #803
Curtain Pull Pattern #804
Curtain Pull Pattern #805
Curtain Pull Pattern #806
Curtain Pull Pattern #807
Curtain Pull Pattern #808
Curtain Pull Pattern #809
Curtain Pull Pattern #810
Curtain Pull Pattern #811
Curtain Pull Pattern #812
Curtain Pull Pattern #813
Curtain Pull Pattern #814
Curtain Pull Pattern #815
Curtain Pull Pattern #816
Curtain Pull Pattern #817
Curtain Pull Pattern #818
Curtain Pull Pattern #819
Curtain Pull Pattern #820
Curtain Pull Pattern #821
Curtain Pull Pattern #822
Curtain Pull Pattern #823
Curtain Pull Pattern #824
Curtain Pull Pattern #825
Curtain Pull Pattern #826