Clark's O.N.T. Knitting and Crochet Cotton, 1 ball, or J. & P. Coats Crochet Cord, 3 balls.
Bone hook No. 8.
Choose color to harmonize with the bathroom furnishings. Lovely pastels are available in these threads, or the deeper colors like 68 Skipper Blue, 126 Spanish Red, 106 Sport Green, 102 Coffee Brown, 12 Black. Use thread double throughout, and be sure the work lies flat.
Ch 4, and join in ring. 1st rnd: Ch 3 (to count as d c), 9 d c in ring (10 in all). Join to 2nd ch of ch-3 first made. 2nd rnd: Ch 3, d c in 1st sp, 2 d c in each of next 9 sps. Join to 2nd ch of ch-3. 3rd rnd: Ch 3. Repeat 2nd rnd. 4th rnd: Ch 3, d c in each sp, join. 5th rnd: Ch 3, d c in each of first 2 sps, 2 d c in 3rd, and repeat around making 2 d c in every 3rd sp. 6th rnd: Same as 4th rnd. 7th, 9th and 11th rnds: Same as 5th rnd. 8th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 14th rnds: Same as 4th rnd. Finish edge with row of s c with p every 2 s c. If preferred, the stool cover may be made large enough to take over the edge of the stool and tacked in place.
Shell Tie Back Pattern
Mesh Lace Chair Set Pattern
Lamp Shade Pattern
Filet Tie Back with Tassel Pattern
Shell Stitch Oval Set Pattern
Luncheon or Tea Cloth Pattern
Reticella Motif for Luncheon Set Pattern
California Rose Inset for Luncheon Set Pattern
Cocktail Napkin Pattern
Windmill Bedspread Pattern
Pillow Case Insertion Pattern
Reticella Motif for Towel Pattern
Monkeyface Lace Edging Pattern
Lattice Lace Edging Pattern
New Mile-a-Minute Edging Pattern
Chain and Shell Edging Pattern
Pointed Filet Edging Pattern
Shell Scallop Edging Pattern
Stool Cover Pattern
Bath Mat Pattern
Bone Ring Mat Patterns
Flower Filet Luncheon Set Pattern
Square Doily with Crochet Inset Pattern
Lace Doily Pattern
Doily with Two-Colored Mesh Edging Pattern
Linen Center with Crocheted Edge Pattern
Sunday Night Supper Set Pattern
Luncheon Set in Colored Linen Pattern
Pearl Point Tapestry Pattern
Bathroom Rug with Fringe Pattern