2 balls Yellow or color desired
2 artificial or natural Leaves
1 corsage Pin.
Steel crochet hook No. 7
CENTER SECTION: 1st Row—Ch 8, join to form a ring, ch 3 and work 15 d c in ring, join in 3rd st of ch.
2nd Row—Ch 20, 1 s d c in 3rd st from hook (s d c: thread over hook, insert in st, pull loop through, thread over and pull through all loops at one time), 1 s d c in each of the next 17 sts of ch (petal), s c under the post of 1st d c picking up entire post of st, * ch 20, s d c in 3rd st from hook, 1 s d c in each of the next 17 sts of ch, s c under post of next d c picking up entire post of st, repeat from * 14 times, join (16 petals).
3rd Row—* Ch 20, s d c in 3rd st from hook, 1 s d c in each of the next 17 sts of ch, repeat from * once (double petals), s c in front loop of 1st d c made, * work a double petal, s c in front loop of next d c, repeat from * 14 times, join (16 double petals).
4th Row—Same as last row but working an s c in back loop of each d c (16 double petals) cut thread.
BACK SECTION: Work 1st row same as center section.
2nd Row—Ch 3, d c in same space, * 2 d c in next d c, repeat from * all around, join (32 d c).
3rd Row—Ch 3, d c in same space, 1 d c in next d c, * 2 d c in next d c, 1 d c in next d c, repeat from * all around, join.
4th Row—Ch 22, 1 s d c in 3rd st from hook, 1 s d c in each of the next 19 sts of ch, s c under post of 1st d c of 3rd row picking up entire post, * ch 22 and work 20 s d c on ch, s c under post of next d c of 3rd row picking up entire post, repeat from * 46 times, join.
5th Row—Work a double petal same length as previous row, s c in front loop of 1st d c of 3rd row, * work a double petal same length as last petal, s c in front loop of next d c of 3rd row, repeat from * all around, join, cut thread.
Place center section on inside of back section and sew securely.
Place 2 leaves in back of flower and sew securely in position. Sew corsage pin in position.
Rose Doily Pattern
Pansy Handkerchief Edging Pattern
Crocheted Edge for Plate Pattern
Forget Me Not Handkerchief Edging Pattern
Carnation Flower Pattern
Doll Clothes Pattern
Nut Cup and Saucer Pattern
Apple Blossom Corsage Pattern
Chrysanthemum Flower Pattern
Daisy Corsage Pattern
Hot Plate Mats or Covers Pattern
Tea Cozy Pattern
Terry Cloth Laundry Bag Pattern
Rose Pot Holder Pattern
Hosiery Hanger Pattern
Plant Hanger Pattern
Corn Pot Holder Pattern