Use J. & P. Coats Tatting-Crochet, Size 70, with a tatting shuttle.
Tie ball and shuttle threads together. R of 8 ds, lp, 8 ds, cl. (Rw, ch of 3 ds, 3 p's sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 8 ds, join to lp, 8 ds, cl) 5 times. * ReversĀing curve of ch, ch of 3 ds, 5 p's sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 4 ds, join to center p of last 3-p ch, (4 ds, p) twice; 4 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 5 p's sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. R of 8 ds, lp, 8 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, p, 3 ds, join to last p of previous 3-p r, 3 ds, p, 3 ds. Rw, r of 8 ds, join to lp, 8 ds, cl. (Rw, ch of 3 ds, 3 p's sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 8 ds, join to lp, 8 ds, cl) 4 times. Repeat from * for length desired. Tie and cut.
Pillow Case Edging No. S251 Pattern
Pillow Case Edging & Insertion No. S252 Pattern
Pillow Case Edging No. S253 Pattern
Pillow Case Edging No. S254 Pattern
Pillow Case Edging No. S255 Pattern
Pillow Case Edging & Insertion No. S256 Pattern
Hairpin Lace Apron Edging Pattern
Braid Edging on Runner Pattern
Irish Crochet Edging No. S259 Pattern
Irish Crochet Edging No. S260 Pattern
Irish Crochet Edging No. S261 Pattern
Baby Slip Edging Pattern
Baby Dress Edging Pattern
Edging No. S283 Pattern
Edging No. S284 Pattern
Edging No. S285 Pattern
Edging No. S286 Pattern
Edging No. S287 Pattern
Edging No. S288 Pattern
Edging No. S289 Pattern
Edging No. S290 Pattern
Guest Towel Edging Pattern
Rick Rack Edging on Guest Towel Pattern
Rick Rack Edging on Bath Towel Pattern
Rick Rack Edging No. S294 Pattern
White & Yellow Rick Rack Edging Pattern
Yellow Rick Rack Edging Pattern
Rick Rack Edging No. S297 Pattern
Alb Lace No. S298 Pattern
Alb Lace No. S299 Pattern
Alb Lace No. S300 Pattern
Altar Lace No. S301 Pattern
Altar Lace No. S302 Pattern
Tatted Handkerchief Edging No. S271 Pattern
Tatted Handkerchief Edging No. S272 Pattern
Tatted Edging No. S273 Pattern
Tatted Edging No. S274 Pattern
Tatted Edging No. S275 Pattern
Tatted Edging No. S276 Pattern
Tatted Edging No. S277 Pattern
Tatted Edging No. S278 Pattern
Tatted Edging No. S279 Pattern
Tatted Edging No. S280 Pattern