Materials Required: 1 STAR Rug Foundation No. 503
If you use
STAR Rug Yarn, Article 44
7 skeins Wine No. 57
1 skein Yellow No. 22
1 skein Orange No. 25
4 skeins Peach No. 48
4 skeins Black No. 58
7 skeins Light Green No. 37
If you use
AUNT LYDIA Heavy Rug Yarn, Article 235
4 skeins Wine No. 257
1 skein Light Yellow No. 221
1 skein Orange No. 226
3 skeins Peach No. 248
3 skeins Black No. 258
4 skeins Light Green No. 237
If you use
STAR Cotton Yarn, Article 75
7 skeins Wine No. 57
1 skein Yellow No. 22
1 skein Cream No. 3
4 skeins Peach No. 48
4 skeins Black No. 58
6 skeins Light Green No. 37
and 3 Spools of AUNT LYDIA Carpet and Button Thread
Spring Time and gaiety enter your room, when this pompon flower rug spreads cheery warmth on your floors. You will want to make several of these because they are so gay.
Into each dot of the rug foundation sew a color tuft of Star Rug Yarn or Aunt Lydia Heavy Rug Yarn as described on pattern book page. It won't be long before you have created a very attractive and useful rug.