This bedspread can be made with the following:
The "Famous" PURITAN CROCHET COTTON, Article 40
"DE LUXE" Quality CROCHET COTTON, Article 346
56 balls White
10 balls Nile Green or Lt. Green
5 balls Tinted Pink and Yellow
8 balls Tinted Pink and Lavender or Tinted Lavender and
Yellow or colors desired.
Steel crochet hook No. 7
1286 motifs are required for bedspread measuring about 66 inches x 104 inches.
All motifs are worked in same manner as center motif but using colors as designated.
CENTER MOTIF: With Green ch 7, join to form a ring, ch 3, d c in ring, * ch 3, 2 d c in same space, repeat from * 4 times, ch 3, join in 3rd st of ch, cut thread.
2nd Round: Attach Tinted Pink and Lavender in 1 st d c of any d c group, s c in same space, s c in next d c, s c in next loop, d c in ring of preceding round working over the ch 3 loop, s c in same loop, * 1 s c in each of the next 2 d c, s c in next loop, d c in ring working over the ch 3 loop, s c in same loop, repeat from * all around, join in 1 st s c.
3rd Round: Ch 1, s c in same space, 1 s c in each of the next 2 s c, 3 s c in next d c, * 1 s c in each of the next 4 s c, 3 s c in next d c, repeat from * 4 times, s c in next s c, join in 1 st s c, cut thread.
4th Round: Attach White in center s c of any 3 s c group, ch 6, d c in same space, * 1 d c in each of the next 6 s c, 1 d c, ch 3, 1 d c in next s c, repeat from * 4 times, 1 d c in each of the next 6 s c, join in 3rd st of ch 6, cut thread.
5th Round: Attach Tinted Pink and Lavender in any ch 3 loop, ch 3, 2 d c in same space, * 1 d c in each of the next 8 d c, 3 d c in next loop, repeat from * 4 times, 1 d c in each of the next 8 d c, join, cut thread.
6th Round: Attach Green in center d c of any 3 d c group, 3 s c in same space, * 1 s c in each of the next 10 d c, 3 s c in next s c, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
7th Round: Ch 1 and work 1 s c in each s c working 3 s c in center st at each point, join in 1st s c, cut thread.
OUTER MOTIFS: Work 3 more motifs as follows:
1st Round: Work with Tinted Pink and Yellow.
2nd and 3rd Rounds: Work with Green.
4th Round: Work with White.
5th Round: Work with Green.
6th and 7th Rounds: Work with Tinted Pink and Yellow.
Work 3 more motifs as follows:
1st Round: Work with Tinted Pink and Lavender.
2nd and 3rd Rounds: Work with Green.
4th Round: Work with White.
5th Round: Work with Green.
6th and 7th Rounds: Work with Tinted Pink and Lavender.
Sew outer motifs together alternating colors leaving only 1 side of each motif free at inner edge. Sew center motif in position. This completes one large color design. Work 34 more large color designs in same manner.
WHITE MOTIF: Work 1st row same as colored motif, do not cut thread.
2nd Round: Ch 1, s c in same space, s c in next d c, s c in next loop, d c in ring of preceding round working over the ch 3 loop, s c in same loop, * 1 s c in each of the next 2 d c, s c in next loop, d c in ring working over the ch 3 loop, s c in same loop, repeat from * all around, join in 1 st s c.
3rd Round: Same as 3rd round of colored motif, do not cut thread.
4th Round: Ch 3, 1 d c in each of the next 3 s c, * 1 d c, ch 3, 1 d c in next s c, 1 d c in each of the next 6 s c, repeat from * 4 times, 1 d c, ch 3, 1 d c in next s c, 1 d c in each of the next 2 s c, join in 3rd st of ch.
5th Round: Ch 3, 1 d c in each of the next 4 d c,* 3 d c in next loop, 1 d c in each of the next 8 d c, repeat from * 4 times, 3 d c in next loop, 1 d c in each of the next 3 d c, join in 3rd st of ch.
6th and 7th Rounds: Ch 1 and work 1 s c in each st working 3 s c in center st at each corner, join each round in 1 st s c, cut thread at end of last round leaving about a 10 inch length for sewing. Work 1005 more White motifs in same manner.
Work 35 motifs of various shades, working same as center motif.
Sew motifs together following chart.
EDGE: With Green, work a row of s c all around working
3 s c in each point of each motif, join, cut thread.
2nd Row: Attach Tinted Pink and Lavender or Tinted Lavender and Yellow, work 1 s c in each s c working 3 s c in center st at each point of each motif, join, cut thread.
3rd Row: Attach Tinted Pink and Yellow and work same as last row, cut thread.