This pattern contains directions for a graceful planter in a parasol design, crocheted in the easy pineapple stitch. Use the very heavy cotton used for jiffy crochet or three strands of Mercerized Crochet and Knitting Cotton held together.
Size |
Material |
Quantity |
Crochet Hook |
10 inches wide |
Heavy Jiffy Cotton, or |
2 (100 yard) balls, or |
No. 1 Steel |
Mercerized Crochet and Knitting Cotton |
3 (150 yard) balls |
A piece of heavy cord and a piece of hat wire, both about 20 inches long, are needed.
CAUTION: The heavy Jiffy Cotton is a thread 3 times heavier than the Mercerized Crochet and Knitting Cotton (string). If Mercerized Crochet and Knitting Cotton is being used, always work with 3 strands held together. If Jiffy Cotton is being used, work with a single strand.
TIP – 1ST ROUND: Ch 4, join with a sl st into a ring, ch 1, 6 sc into ring, a sl st in first sc of round.
2ND ROUND: Ch 1, 1 sc in same sc as last sl st, 1 sc in each of remaining sc, a sl st in first sc of round.
Repeat last round 4 more times.
7TH ROUND: Ch 1, 2 sc in same sc as last sl st, * 1 sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc; repeat from * once, 1 sc in next sc, a sl st in first sc of round.
8TH ROUND: Ch 1, 2 sc in same sc as last sl st, * 1 sc in each of 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc; repeat from * once, 1 sc in each of next 2 sc, a sl st in first sc of round.
9TH ROUND: Ch 1, 1 sc in same sc as last sl st, 1 sc in next sc, * 2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in each of 2 sc; repeat from * around, end with 2 sc in last sc, a sl st in first sc (there are 16 sc in round).
10TH ROUND: Ch 3, work (1 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc) in same st as last sl st, * ch 3, skip next 3 sc, work a shell of (2 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc) in next sc; repeat from * around, end with ch 3, skip 3 sc, a sl st in top st of first ch 3 of round (there are 4 shells in round).
11TH ROUND: Work a shell in first shell as follows: a sl st in next dc, a sl st in (ch 2) loop, ch 3, (1 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc) all in same ch loop as last sl st (first shell will always be worked this way), * ch 2, 1 dc in center st of next (ch 3) loop, ch 2, (always working shells in ch loop of shells of previous round) work a shell of (2 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc) in next shell; repeat from * around, end last repeat with ch 2, a sl st in top st of first ch 3 of round.
12TH ROUND: A shell in first shell, * ch 3, skip next (ch 2) loop, 3 dc in next dc, ch 3, a shell in next shell; repeat from * around, end with ch 3, a sl st in top st of first ch 3.
13TH ROUND: A shell in first shell, ch 2, 2 more dc in same shell as last dc (this forms a double shell), * ch 5, skip ch loop, 1 sc in next dc, work (ch 3 and 1 sc) in each of next 2 dc, ch 5, a double shell of (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc) in next shell; repeat from * around, end with ch 5, a sl st in top st of first ch 3.
14TH ROUND: A shell in first (ch 2) loop, * a shell between next 2 dc, a shell in next (ch 2) loop on same double shell, ch 5, skip next ch loop, 1 sc in next ch loop, ch 3, 1 sc in next ch loop, ch 5, skip next (ch 5) loop, a shell in next (ch 2) loop; repeat from * around, end as last round.
15TH ROUND: A shell in first shell, * work (ch 5 and a shell) in each of next 2 shells, ch 5, skip next ch loop, 1 sc in next (ch 3) loop, ch 5, skip next ch loop, a shell in next shell; repeat from * round, end as last round.
16TH ROUND: A shell in first shell, * ch 3, 3 dc in center st of next (ch 5) loop, ch 3, a shell in next shell, ch 3, 3 dc in center st of next ch loop, ch 3, a shell in next shell, skip next 2 ch loops, 2 dc in next shell, ch 1, turn, a sl st in next shell, ch 1, turn, 2 dc in same shell as last dc; repeat from * around, end with skip next 2 ch loops, a sl st in top st of first ch 3, a sl st in next dc, a sl st in next (ch 2) loop, turn, a sl st in last shell made, turn.
17TH ROUND: Ch 3, (1 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc) in sl st between 2 shells below, * ch 3, skip next ch loop, 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc, ch 3, a shell in next shell, ch 3, skip ch loop, 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc, ch 3, a shell in sl st between next 2 shells; repeat from * around, end with ch 3, a sl st in top st of first ch 3.
18TH ROUND: A shell in first shell, * ch 4, skip next ch loop, 1 sc in next dc, (ch 3 and 1 sc) in each of next 4 dc, ch 4, skip next ch loop, a shell in next shell; repeat from * around, end with ch 4, a sl st in top st of first ch 3.
19TH ROUND: A shell in first shell, * ch 4, skip next ch loop, 1 sc in next ch loop, (ch 3 and 1 sc) in each of next 3 ch loops, ch 4, skip next ch loop, a shell in next shell; repeat from * around, end as last round.
20TH ROUND: A shell in first shell, ch 2, 2 more dc in same shell as last dc, * ch 4, skip next ch loop, 1 sc in next ch loop, (ch 3 and 1 sc) in each of next 2 ch loops, ch 4, skip next ch loop, a double shell of (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc) in next shell; repeat from * around, end as last round (do not break off).
FIRST SCALLOP: Slip-stitch over to 2nd (ch 2) loop of first double shell.
1ST ROW: Ch 3, (1 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc) in same ch loop as last sl st, ch 6, skip next ch loop, 1 sc in next ch loop, ch 3, 1 sc in next ch loop, ch 6, skip ch loop, (2 dc, ch 2 and 1 dc) in next shell; do not work over remaining sts.
2ND ROW; Ch 1, turn, a sl st in next (ch 2) loop, ch 5, 2 dc in same ch loop as last sl st, ch 6, skip next ch loop, 1 sc in next ch loop, ch 6, skip next ch loop, a shell in next shell.
3RD ROW: Ch 1, turn, a shell in first shell, skip 2 ch loops, 2 dc in next ch loop, ch 1, turn, a sl st in next shell, ch 1, turn, 1 dc in same ch loop as last dc, ch 3, a sl st in same ch loop as last dc, ch 3, a sl st in next (ch 2) loop below, ch 3, a sl st in next (ch 2) loop below (this is same ch loop on last round as next dc).
SECOND AND ALL OTHER SCALLOPS: A sl st in each of next 2 dc, a sl st in next (ch 2) loop; repeat 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows of First Scallop; at end of last scallop; break off.
1ST ROUND: Ch 4, join with a sl st into a ring, ch 1, 7 sc into ring.
2ND ROUND: 1 sc in each sc of last round.
Repeat last round for about 20 inches (without stretching), end with a sl st in next sc; fasten off.
TO JOIN AND SHAPE HANDLE: Hold a 20-inch piece of cord and a piece of (same length) hat wire together; tie a few strands of sewing cotton around both, at about 5-inch intervals. Insert cord, with wire, inside crocheted handle; with a sewing needle and sewing cotton, gather sts of last round together, over end of cord. Slip handle inside parasol, inserting the last few rounds inside single crochet tip; sew end securely inside tip; arrange handle along back section of parasol (between 2 scallops); tack in place. Bend top section of handle into correct shape (see Illustration).
Use either a sugar solution (of 2 cups of sugar boiled in a cup of water) or white glue (which may be obtained at most hardware stores; melt it and make it of the consistency of starch), or use a hot solution of starch (following directions for starch solution on package).
TO STARCH: Wet crochet first, then dip in the solution. Stretch crochet into correct shape and size on a flat surface, having handle at center of back section and adjusting top edge of parasol into a 4 X 10 inch oval. Stuff with rags, covered with wax paper, to hold in shape. As crochet gets dry, continue to adjust into correct shape, stretching out scallops evenly. Allow to dry completely (it will take from 24 to 48 hours).