Filet Motifs which will make attractive Luncheon Sets, Scarfs, Pillows, Curtains, etc.
If a heavy Motif is desired use any of the following Threads:
"De Luxe" Mercerized Crochet and Knitting Cotton—"Trojan" Crochet Cotton—"Puritan" Crochet Cotton—"Star" Pearl Cotton size 5—"Clover" Knitting and Crochet Cotton.
Any of the following Threads will make a dainty Motif:
"Star" Six Cord Mercerized Crochet Cotton. Sizes 20 to 100—"Star" Tatting Cotton—"Gem" Crochet Cotton sizes 20 to 50.
No. 217
Ch 93 for 30 meshes, work 1st d c in 4th st from hook and work back and forth according to illustration.
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Scottie Pot Holder Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Filet Scarf Runner Pattern
Bread Tray Doily Pattern
Hot Plate Mats Pattern
Peacock Filet Motif Pattern
Flower Filet Motif Pattern
Tree Filet Motif Pattern
Star Doily Pattern
Cottage Curtains Pattern
Curtain Tie Back Pattern
Curtain Tie Back Pattern
Tea Cloth Pattern
Luncheon Set Pattern
Chair Set Pattern
Giant Mesh Chair Set Pattern
Chair Set Pattern
Face Cloth Pattern
Carnation Dish Cloth Pattern
Curtain Tie Back Pattern
Scarf Runner Pattern
Doily Pattern
Doily Pattern