Materials Required. American Thread Company. "Puritan," "Trojan" or "De Luxe" Crochet Cotton.
1 Ball of White, Ecru or Cream.
1 Ball Yellow or any color desired.
1 Skein "Star" Art Thread, Black.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 7 or 8.
With Cream, Ch 57 (about 6 inches) turn and work 56 s c on ch. Continue working rows of s c until pot holder is square. Work a second section in Yellow.
Embroider Scottie on the Cream section following the cross st chart, working the dog in Black and ribbon bows in Yellow or any color used on the reverse side of pot holder.
RING. With Yellow, wind thread around finger 15 times and work s c over ring, attach to pot holder and crochet the two sections together with a row of s c.

Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Scottie Pot Holder Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Filet Scarf Runner Pattern
Bread Tray Doily Pattern
Hot Plate Mats Pattern
Peacock Filet Motif Pattern
Flower Filet Motif Pattern
Tree Filet Motif Pattern
Star Doily Pattern
Cottage Curtains Pattern
Curtain Tie Back Pattern
Curtain Tie Back Pattern
Tea Cloth Pattern
Luncheon Set Pattern
Chair Set Pattern
Giant Mesh Chair Set Pattern
Chair Set Pattern
Face Cloth Pattern
Carnation Dish Cloth Pattern
Curtain Tie Back Pattern
Scarf Runner Pattern
Doily Pattern
Doily Pattern