For the body use any of the following Threads—"Star" Pearl Cotton size 5, "De Luxe" Mercerized Crochet and Knitting Cotton, "Puritan" or "Trojan" Crochet Cotton or "Clover" Crochet and Knitting Cotton in White, Ecru, or Cream.
For the garments use "Sillateen" "Sansil" in any color desired.
About 15 yds. are required for the body and about 10 yds. for the garments.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 8 or 9.
Over a 2¼-inch card board wind thread about 60 times, tie at one side and cut through the other side.
With the flat side toward you, wrap thread and tie about ½ down to form head. Tie with color in front leaving tiny ends to form a tie.
Take 10 strands at each side for arms, tie about ⅝ inch down from the neck and cut ¼ inch from wrist. Tie about ¾ inch from neck for waist, divide the strands and tie about ¾ inch from waist to form legs. Trim the lower edge even.
PANTS. With color, ch 10, join, ch 3, work 16 d c into ring, join and work 3 more rows of d c joining each row, break thread leaving a length to fasten. Make another section, break thread leaving a length to fasten and for suspenders.
Slip sections over legs and fasten together and to body.
Starting at center front carry thread to shoulder and fasten, bring thread back to center and to other shoulder and back again to center, slip through to back of body and make straps to correspond.
Take a length of Ecru Thread, double it and slip through top of head and with double thread work a cord of chs for length desired.
HAT. Leaving a length of thread to fasten, ch 7, join to form a ring, 14 s c into ring. Work 5 more rows of s c, break thread. Slip cord through the center of hat and fasten hat in position. Indicate the face using Black Star Twist.
SKIRT. Ch 15, join, ch 3 and work 1 d c in each st.
2nd Row—Ch 3, 3 d c in each st and work 1 row even.
BANDEAU. Ch 8, d c in first st of ch, ch 5, turn, d c in 5th st of ch, * ch 5, turn, d c in 3rd st of ch, repeat from * twice, break thread leaving an end to fasten.
Slip arms through 2nd and 4th mesh and fasten in back.
HAT. Work 5 rows of s c and roll hat all around.
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Scottie Pot Holder Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Filet Scarf Runner Pattern
Bread Tray Doily Pattern
Hot Plate Mats Pattern
Peacock Filet Motif Pattern
Flower Filet Motif Pattern
Tree Filet Motif Pattern
Star Doily Pattern
Cottage Curtains Pattern
Curtain Tie Back Pattern
Curtain Tie Back Pattern
Tea Cloth Pattern
Luncheon Set Pattern
Chair Set Pattern
Giant Mesh Chair Set Pattern
Chair Set Pattern
Face Cloth Pattern
Carnation Dish Cloth Pattern
Curtain Tie Back Pattern
Scarf Runner Pattern
Doily Pattern
Doily Pattern