Sizes 10 to 12 years
Materials: J. & P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen, 10 balls of color 70 Blue Jewel and 1 ball of color 68 Skipper Blue; or Clark's O.N.T. Cronita, 13 balls of Blue Jewel and 2 balls of Skipper Blue. Milward's steel crochet hooks No. 6, No. 3 and No. 1.
Skirt: The skirt is made in 4 separate gores. Take the waist measurement and divide it by four, then make a ch, using No. 3 hook. (For example, for a waist measurement of 26 inches, make a ch 6½ inches long, which is about 62 sts.) 1st row: D c in 4th ch from hook, d c in each st of foundation ch, until this row measures a little less than one-fourth of waist measurement (in this case, about 6 inches). Cut off any.chs left over and fasten. Ch 3, turn. 2nd row: D c in each d c. 3rd row: Ch 3, turn. (This ch-3 to count as 1 d c.) D c in st from which ch-3 started (this makes an increase), d c in each st across, 2 d c in last st.
4th row: Ch 3, turn (to count as 1st d c), d c in each d c (no increases), making last d c in 3rd st of turning ch. 5th row: Same as 3rd row. Continue alternating 3rd and 4th rows, thus making 2 increases on every other row for about 38 rows. Then make increases on every 3rd or 4th row, depending on desired width of gore, until piece measures necessary length. Make 2 more gores. Finish the sides of each gore with a row of s c, making about 2 s c along each d c. Pin these three gores together and try on. Estimate if a fourth gore of the same measurement will be satisfactory. If not, start the 4th gore with foundation ch longer or shorter as needed. Finish as before. Whip the gores together, picking up only the outside loop of the s c. Leave about 5 inches open for a placket, working 3 or 4 rows of s c for underflap. Put waistband on skirt, or make a row of tr sps at top and insert elastic.
Blouse: Back: Using No. 6 hook with Skipper Blue, ch 86, turn. (Or about ½ of waist measurement.)
1st row: 1 half d c in 3rd ch from hook and in each st of ch. Ch 2, turn. 2nd to 8th rows incl: 1 half d c in each st, ch 2, turn. Break thread and attach Blue Jewel. Use No. 1 hook and work loosely. 9th to 33rd rows incl: 1 half d c in each st, ch 3, turn.
This is the underarm measurement. Add more rows if necessary.
34th to 45th rows incl: Continue half d c in half d c, decreasing 2 sts at beginning and 2 sts at end of row. Break thread.
Front: Same as back.
Sleeves: Use No. 6 hook and with Skipper blue, ch 66 (or enough for cuff measurement), turn. 1st row: 1 half d c in 3rd ch from hook and in each st of ch. 2nd to 4th rows incl: 1 half d c in each st, ch 2, turn. Break thread. Attach Blue Jewel and change to No. 1 hook. 5th to 13th rows incl: 1 half d c in each half d c, ch 3, turn. 14th to 25th rows incl: Continue half d c in half d c, decreasing 2 sts at beginning and 2 sts at end of each row. Sew front and back together at underarm, and sew in sleeves.
Yoke: Attach Skipper Blue at shoulder line of neck. Using No. 1 hook make 1 half d c in each half d c around neckline, ch 3, turn. 2nd to 15th rows incl: 1 half d c in each half d c, with 6 decreases to a row. Space decreases evenly, but do not have them come over each other on succeeding rows. Using 9 strands of Blue Jewel make a braided cord about a yard long. Lace up neck opening.