Materials: Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Mercerized Crochet, size 30, Ecru. 1 shuttle, and Milward's steel crochet hook No. 7. Circle of linen about 5½ inches in diameter.
To begin, tie shuttle and ball thread ends. R, 5 d s, p, 5 d s, p, 5 d s, p, 5 d s, close. * Turn, on ball thread, make ch of 5 d s, p, 5 d s. Turn work. R, 5 d s, join to 3rd p of ring just made, 5 d s, p, 5 d s, p, 5 d s, close. Repeat from * for proper length to encircle linen center. Join and break thread.
2nd rnd: R, 3 d s, join to p of a ch of the previous rnd, 3 d s, close. Leave about ½ inch of thread clear, r, 3 d s, join to p of next ch, 3 d s, close. Fasten off thread at end of rnd. 3rd rnd: R, 3 d s, join to thread loop between 2 rings of previous rnd, 3 d s, close. * Leave about ½ inch of thread clear, r, 3 d s, join to next loop, 3 d s, close, repeat from * around. Fasten off thread.
4th and 5th rnds: Same as 3rd. 6th rnd: R, 5 d s, p, 5 d s, p, 5 d s, p, 5 d s, close. Leave about ¼ inch of thread clear, turn, r, 3 d s, join to loop between 2 rings of previous rnd, 3 d s, close. Turn and make another outer edge ring, joining to the 3rd p of the adjacent ring. On every 3rd loop around make 2 small rings, with an outer edge ring between. Continue around and fasten off.
Turn down the edge of the linen center and work a close row of s c around, joining tatted edging by the center p of rings of the 1st rnd.
Luncheon Set Pattern
Tatting Edging Patterns #832-#841
Tatting Edging Patterns #845-#848
Handkerchief Edging Patterns #816-#818
Handkerchief Edging Patterns #822-#823, #826-#827, #895
Pine Cone Doily Pattern
Scalloped Doily Pattern
Lacy Medallion Antimacassar Pattern
Medallion Baby Cap Pattern
Luncheon Set in Filet Pattern
Tatted Doily Pattern
Insertion Patterns #851-#852
Medallion Patterns #829-#830
Spiders Web Doily Pattern
Tray Cloth Pattern