There are slight variations to materials and instructions between these two versions of the same pattern in different publications. Two versions are below.
Medallion Baby Cap Pattern #843 from Spool Cotton #39, The Book of Tatting.
Materials: J. & P. Coats Tatting Cotton, 3 balls, size 70. 1 shuttle.
Center medallion: R, 1 d s, 1 lp (lp's are made only in center rings of medallions, others are regular p's). * 2 d s, 1 lp, repeat from * 8 more times, 1 d s, close and fasten off. R, 2 d s, join to 1st lp of r just made, 2 d s, close. Turn, leave ⅛ inch of thread clear, r, * 3 d s, p, repeat from * 4 more times, 3 d s, close. (This is an edge ring.) ** Turn, leave ⅛ inch of thread clear, r, 2 d s, join to next lp of center r, 2 d s, close. Turn, leave ⅛ inch of thread clear, r, 3 d s, join to next p of edge ring, * 3 d s, p, repeat from * 3 more times, 3 d s, close. Repeat from ** around, until 10 edge rings are made. Join and fasten off.
Medallion edging: R, 3 d s, p, 3 d s, join to center p of any ring of medallion, 3 d s, p, 3 d s, close. (This is an inner ring of edge.) Turn, leave ⅛ inch of thread clear, r, * 3 d s, p, and repeat from * 4 more times, 3 d s, close. (This is an outer ring of edge.) Turn. ** Leave ⅛ inch of thread clear, r, 3 d s, join to last p of inner ring previously made, 3 d s, join to same p of medallion to which 1st inner ring was joined, 3 d s, p, 3 d s, close. Turn. Leave ⅛ inch of thread clear, r, 3 d s, join to last p of outer ring of edge. * 3 d s, p, and repeat from * 3 more time, 3 d s, close. Turn, leave ⅛ inch of thread clear, r, 3 d s, join to p of adjoining inner ring, 3 d s, join to center p of next ring of medallion, 3 d s, p, 3 d s, close. Turn. R, 3 d s, join to last p of adjoining outer ring, * 3 d s, p, and repeat from * 3 more times, 3 d s, close. Turn, and repeat from ** around medallion. Join and fasten off.
1st rnd of medallions around center one: Medallions for rest of cap are made the same as the center medallion without the edging, but for the 1st ring of medallions in the 1st rnd, make 8 lp's with 2 d s between, instead of 10 (making 8 edge rings). Join 1 edge ring of 1st medallion to center p of any ring of center medallion edging. Finish medallion and break off. There are 9 more medallions in 1st rnd, joined to center p of every other ring of center medallion edging, and joined together by center p's of 2 rings (adjacent to ring joining center medallion). This leaves 3 rings free on outer edge of this rnd.
2nd rnd of medallions: (12 medallions.) From here on, medallions are made with 12 lp's in the 1st ring. 3 rings of each medallion are joined to the adjacent ones in the rnd. Leave 4 rings free on the outer edge, and join the 2 inner rings to the previous rnd—the 1st to 1 medallion and the 2nd to the adjacent one. This completes the circular motif of the back. The rest of the cap is made in rows.
1st row: (10 medallions). Work a medallion joining 4 adjacent rings to the last rnd—the 1st and 2nd rings to the last 2 free rings of one medallion, and the 3rd and 4th to the 1st 2 free rings of the next medallion, and join the medallions of the row together by the two rings adjacent to the joining to the previous rnd. (When the row is completed it leaves 3 medallions of the last rnd to form part of the bottom of the cap.)
2nd row: This row begins and ends with a small double clover leaf motif made as follows: R, * 3 d s, p, repeat from * 4 more time, 3 d s, close. Leave ⅛ inch of thread, r, 3 d s, join to last p of ring just made, 3 d s, p, 3 d s, join to center p of 3rd ring from joining of 1st 2 medallions of previous row, 3 d s, p, 3 d s, p, 3 d s, close. ** Leave ⅛ inch of thread clear, r, 3 d s, join to last p of preceding ring, * 3 d s, p, and repeat from * 3 more times, 3 d s, close **. Repeat between **'s 3 more times, joining the last ring to the 1st p of 1st ring of the motif. Break off and fasten by tying the ends through the loop between the 3rd and 4th rings of the motif. This row is made of 9 medallions and the 2 motifs. Work a medallion and attach 1 ring to the 1 top ring of the small motif, the adjacent 2 rings to the 2 free rings of the preceding row, and the next 2 rings to the 1st 2 free rings of the next medallion. The medallion in the row are joined together by 2 rings. (This leaves 4 rings free on the outer edge.)
3rd row: (10 medallions). The medallions in the row are joined together by 3 adjacent rings. Start the row by joining one ring to the end ring of the small motif, and the next 2 rings to the 1st 2 free rings of the 1st medallion of the preceding row. The next medallion joins to the 2 adjacent rings of this same medallion of the preceding row.
Finish across bottom of cap with a row of insertion as follows: R, 2 d s, 1 lp, 2 d s, join to center p of 4th free ring of 1st edge medallion, 2 d s, 1 lp, 2 d s, close. Turn, leave ⅛ inch of thread clear, r, 2 d s, 1 lp, 3 d s, p, 2 d s, close. Turn, leave ⅛ inch thread clear, r, 2 d s, join to last p of adjacent ring, 3 d s, 1 lp, 2 d s, close. Turn. Continue working insertion in this way, joining every other ring on inner edge to the 3 free rings of the edge of medallions, and making 2 rings between the medallions.
Baby Cap Pattern #843 from Spool Cotton #111, The Tatting Book.
Infant Size
Materials: J. & P. Coats Tatting Cotton, 3 balls.
A shuttle.
1½ yds. of ribbon 1 inch wide.
Center Medallion. 1st rnd: R of 1 ds, lp, * 2 ds, lp. Repeat from * 8 more times, ds, cl. Fasten and break off. 2nd rnd: R of 2 ds, join to 1st lp of r just made, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ** sp (⅛-inch). Lr of * 3 ds, p. Repeat from * 4 more times, 3 ds, cl. Rw, sp (⅛-inch), r of 2 ds, join to next lp of 1st rnd, 2 ds, cl. Rw. Repeat from ** around. Fasten and break off. 3rd rnd: R of 3 ds, p, 3 ds, join to center p of previous rnd, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. Rw, sp (⅛-inch), lr of 3 ds, 5 p's sep. by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl. Rw. * Sp (⅛-inch), sr of 3 ds, join to last p of previous sr, 3 ds, join to same p where last sr was joined, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. Rw, sp (⅛-inch), lr of 3 ds, join to last p of previous lr, 3 ds, 4 p's sep. by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl. Rw, sp (⅛-inch), sr of 3 ds, join to last p of previous sr, 3 ds, join to next center p of next r, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. Rw, sp (⅛-inch), lr of 3 ds, join to last p of previous lr, 3 ds, 4 p's sep. by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl. Rw. Repeat from * around, joining the last lr to adjacent p's at both sides. Fasten and break off.
Small Medallions. 1st rnd: Repeat 1st and 2nd rnds of center medallion, but having 8 lp's (instead of 10 lp's) in the rnd, and joining center p of one lr to center p of one lr of center medallion. Make 9 more medallions in same way, joining to center p of every other r of center medallion and joining by center p's of 2 r's (adjacent to r joining center medallion), thus leaving 3 r's free on outer edge of this rnd. 2nd rnd: Repeat 1st and 2nd rnds of center medallion, but having 12 lp's (instead of 10 lp's) in the rnd, and joining center p's of 2 lr's to center p's of 2 lr's (adjacent to r joining 2nd rnd), then join following 2 lr's to 2 lr's on next medallion (adjacent to r joining 2nd rnd); then complete rnd (thus a medallion is joined between 2 medallions of 2nd rnd—this is center back). Make another medallion as before, but joining center 3 p's to center 3 p's of center back medallion (adjacent to r joining 2nd rnd); then join next center p to next center p of same medallion and complete rnd. Make 10 more medallions, joining 3 p's to previous medallion as before; then join center p of next lr to center p of next lr where last p was joined to 2nd rnd. Then join next center p to next center p of next medallion. Continue in this manner around, but leave one lr free at center of each medallion of 2nd rnd. 3rd rnd: Repeat medallions as for 2nd rnd, but having 2 joinings on 1st and 2nd medallions of previous rnd. Continue in this manner around until 10 medallions are in the rnd, making 2 joinings on previous medallion made and on each of next 2 medallions. 4th rnd: R of 3 ds, join to center p of 3rd r from joining, 4 p's sep. by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl. * Sp (¼-inch), r of 3 ds, join to last p of previous r made, 3 ds, 4 p's sep. by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl. Repeat from * until 6 r's are made, but joining the last r at p's on both sides. Then draw thread through center sp and tie securely (thus a fill-in cluster is made). Hereafter make medallions as for previous rnd and joining 2 r's to fill-in cluster and to each of next 2 medallions. Finish rnd with another fill-in cluster. 5th rnd: Same as 3rd rnd, but making only 1 joining at fill-in clusters.
Insertion. R of 2 ds, lp, 2 ds, joining to center p of 4th r from joining, 2 ds, lp, 2 ds, cl. Rw, sp (⅛-inch), r of 2 ds, 3 lp's sep. by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Rw, sp (⅛-inch), r of 2 ds, join to last p of 1st r made, 2 ds, lp, 2 ds, lp, 2 ds, cl. Rw, sp (⅛-inch). Continue in this manner, joining every other r on inner edge to 3 free r's of each medallion, making r between each joining and 2 r's between each medallion.
Sew ends of ribbon, one on each side of lower edge. Cut ribbon in center, and tie.

Luncheon Set Pattern
Tatting Edging Patterns #832-#841
Tatting Edging Patterns #845-#848
Handkerchief Edging Patterns #816-#818
Handkerchief Edging Patterns #822-#823, #826-#827, #895
Pine Cone Doily Pattern
Scalloped Doily Pattern
Lacy Medallion Antimacassar Pattern
Medallion Baby Cap Pattern
Luncheon Set in Filet Pattern
Tatted Doily Pattern
Insertion Patterns #851-#852
Medallion Patterns #829-#830
Spiders Web Doily Pattern
Tray Cloth Pattern