No. 822, Materials: J. & P. Coats Tatting Cotton, size 70, color 21 Shaded Greens. Use 1 shuttle and the ball of thread. Tie thread ends of shuttle and ball. * R, 4 d s, 3 p's separated by 4 d s, 4 d s, close. Turn, on ball thread make ch of 8 d s, p, 8 d s. Turn, r, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, join to center p of first ring, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, close. Turn work and repeat from *.
No. 823, Materials: J. & P. Coats Tatting Cotton, size 70, color 8 Blue, and White. Use 1 shuttle, wound with Blue, and the ball of White. Tie thread ends of shuttle and ball. R, 2 d s, 5 p's separated by 2 d s, 2 d s, close. Turn, on ball thread make ch of 2 d s, p, * 4 d s, p, 4 d s, p, 2 d s, join to 3rd p of ring and make ch of 2 d s. Turn, make ring same as 1st. Make ch as before, joining to 3rd p of previous ch after the beginning 2 d s. Repeat from *.
No. 826, Materials: J. & P. Coats Tatting Cotton, size 70, White. 1 shuttle. R, 5 d s, p, 5 d s, close. Turn, leave ⅛ inch of thread clear. R, 4 d s, 3 p's separated by 4 d s, 4 d s, close. Turn work, leave ⅛ inch of thread clear. R, 5 d s, join to p of 1st ring, 2 d s, 5 p's separated by 2 d s, 5 d s, close. Turn and make another ring like the 2nd, joining to the 3 p of the 2nd ring. Turn and make another ring like the 1st, joining to the last p of the 3rd ring. Turn and make another ring like the 2nd, joining to the adjacent ring. Repeat from beginning.
No. 827, Materials: J. & P. Coats Tatting Cotton, size 70, color 19 Shaded Yellows. Use 1 shuttle and the ball of thread. Tie thread ends of shuttle and ball. R, 3 d s, p, 3 d s, p, 5 d s, close. Turn. Make ch of 5 d s, p, 5 d s, turn. Join to 2nd p of ring and repeat from beginning.
No. 895, Materials: J. & P. Coats Tatting Cotton, size 70, color 37 Dark Lavender, and White. Wind shuttle with Dark Lavender and ball of White. Tie thread ends of shuttle and ball. R, 10 d s, close. Turn. On ball thread make ch of 5 d s, catch to edge of handkerchief, 5 d s. Turn. Repeat from beginning, arranging to have a ring at each corner of the handkerchief.

Luncheon Set Pattern
Tatting Edging Patterns #832-#841
Tatting Edging Patterns #845-#848
Handkerchief Edging Patterns #816-#818
Handkerchief Edging Patterns #822-#823, #826-#827, #895
Pine Cone Doily Pattern
Scalloped Doily Pattern
Lacy Medallion Antimacassar Pattern
Medallion Baby Cap Pattern
Luncheon Set in Filet Pattern
Tatted Doily Pattern
Insertion Patterns #851-#852
Medallion Patterns #829-#830
Spiders Web Doily Pattern
Tray Cloth Pattern