No. 845: J. & P. Coats Tatting Cotton, size 70, and 1 shuttle. (For bath towels and heavy edgings use Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Pearl Cotton, size 5.) R, 5 d s, p, 5 d s, close. Turn, leave thread clear (about ⅛ inch with size 70 thread), r, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, close. Turn work, leave thread clear, r, 5 d s, join to p of first ring made, 3 d s, p, 2 d s, p, 2 d s, p, 2 d s, p, 2 d s, p, 3 d s, p, 5 d s, close. Turn, leave thread clear, r, 4 d s, join to 1st p of adjacent ring, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, close. Turn, leave thread clear, r, 5 d s, join to last p of large ring, 5 d s, close. Turn, leave thread clear, r, 4 d s, join to p of adjacent ring, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, close. Turn, leave thread clear, and repeat from beginning.
No. 846, Materials: J. & P. Coats Tatting Cotton, size 70; or Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Mercerized Crochet, size 70. 1 shuttle. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 10. * R, 9 d s, p, 9 d s, close. Turn, leave about ⅛ inch of thread clear and make a Josephine knot of 3 single sts. Leave about ⅛ inch of thread clear, r, 6 d s, p, 9 d s, p, 6 d s, close. Turn, sp, Josephine knot, sp, r, 9 d s, p, 9 d s, close. Sp, Josephine knot, sp, turn, r, 6 d s, join to 2nd p of adjacent ring, 6 p's separated by 2 d s, 6 d s, close. Sp, Josephine knot, sp, turn. R, 9 d s, p, 9 d s, close. Sp, Josephine knot, sp, turn. R, 6 d s, join to last p of adjacent ring, 9 d s, p, 6 d s, close, sp Josephine knot, sp. Repeat from *. Crocheted heading. * Join the twin rings of the lower edge, as shown in illustration, by making an s c in the p's. Ch 10 and repeat from *.
No. 847, Materials: Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Mercerized Crochet, size 30. Work with shuttle and 1 ball. Tie ends of shuttle and ball threads. R, 6 d s, p, 6 d s, p, 6 d s, close. Turn work and make ch of 8 d s on ball thread. Turn, make ring like 1st, joining to the 2nd p of the 1st ring. Turn, make another ring like the 1st. Turn. Ch of 8 d s on ball thread, turn. Make ring as before, joining to adjacent p of 3rd ring. Close to 4th ring, r, 6 d s, join to 2nd p of 4th ring, 6 d s, p, 6 d s, p, 6 d s, close. Close to 5th ring, r, make another ring like 4th, joining to last p of ring just made. Turn, make ch of 8 d s. Ring as before, joining to last p of 2nd ring made. Turn, another ring, joining to last p of 6th ring. Ch of 8 d s, turn and make ring as before, joining to p of 7th ring. Repeat from beginning, joining 3rd ring to last p of 8th ring of 1st motif.
No. 848, Materials: Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Mercerized Crochet, size 30, self-shading color. Work with shuttle and 1 ball. Tie ends of shuttle and ball thread. R, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, close. Turn. On ball thread make ch of 7 d s, p, 7 d s, p, 5 d s. Turn, r, 4 d s, join to 3rd p of 1st ring, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, close. Turn, ch of 5 d s, turn. R, 4 d s, join to p of 2nd ring, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, close. R, 4 d s, join to p of ring just made, 4 d s, p, 2 d s, p, 2 d s, p, 4 d s, p, 4 d s, close. R, make same as 3rd ring, joining to last p of ring just made. Turn, ch of 5 d s, turn work, and make ring like 2nd, joining to p of adjacent ring. Turn, on ball thread make ch of 5 d s, join to p of adjacent ch, 7 d s, p, 7 d s. Repeat from beginning, joining ring to p of adjacent ring of motif.
Luncheon Set Pattern
Tatting Edging Patterns #832-#841
Tatting Edging Patterns #845-#848
Handkerchief Edging Patterns #816-#818
Handkerchief Edging Patterns #822-#823, #826-#827, #895
Pine Cone Doily Pattern
Scalloped Doily Pattern
Lacy Medallion Antimacassar Pattern
Medallion Baby Cap Pattern
Luncheon Set in Filet Pattern
Tatted Doily Pattern
Insertion Patterns #851-#852
Medallion Patterns #829-#830
Spiders Web Doily Pattern
Tray Cloth Pattern