MATERIALS.—Ardern's crochet cotton No. 20 (old ticket number) or No. 40 (new ticket number). Tatting shuttle. About 1 yd. Strutt's knitting cotton, No. 6.
Ring.—1 ds. (1 p., 2 ds.) 7 times, 1 p., 1 ds., close ring, tie and cut.
*Ring.—3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) twice, join to p. of center ring, 3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) twice. Close ring, r.w.
Chain.—3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) 3 times.
Repeat from * to end, joining 2nd p. of each ring to 4th p. of previous ring ; tie and cut.
*Ring.—3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) twice, join to center p. of chain of previous round, 3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) twice. Close ring, r.w.
Chain.—3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) 3 times, join to p. on right of center of same chain (with ball thread), 3 ds., join to left p. of next chain, 3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) 3 times. Repeat from * to end of round, tie and cut.
Ring 1.—3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) twice, join to 1st p. of chain to right of ring on previous round, 3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) twice, close ring, r.w.
*Chain 1.—3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) 3 times, join to next p. on same chain of previous round, 3 ds., join to middle p. of next chain, 3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) 3 times, r.w.
Ring 2.—3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) twice, join to next p. on same
chain, 3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) twice, r.w.
Chain 2.—3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) twice, r.w.
Ring 3.—As ring (1) but join 2nd p. to 4th p. of ring 2.
Repeat from * to end of round, tie and cut.
*Join thread to p. on left of chain 2 of previous round (3 ds., 1 p., 1 ds., 1 p., 1 ds., 1 p., 3 ds., join to next p.) 4 times, 3 ds., join to next p. (3 ds., 1 p., 1 ds., 1 p., 1 ds., 1 p., 3 ds. join to next p.) 3 times. Repeat from * to end, tie and cut
Work as for outer section to end of Round 2.
As for round 4, but work sections in brackets three times instead of four times and twice instead of three times.
Tie together end of shuttle thread and end of knitting cotton.
Work as follows:—
Chain.—4 ds. (1 p., 4 ds.) as many times as required to make chain about 11 ins. long. Make two more to match.
Gather centers of each piece, sew inner over outer. Fold stems in half, bind together and sew to back of flower.
Starch stiffly before wearing.
Starfish Doily Pattern
Dressing Doily Set Pattern
Tray Mat Pattern
Chair Set Pattern
Lacy Border 1 Pattern
Lacy Border 2 Pattern
Lacy Border 3 Pattern
Lacy Border 4 Pattern
Lacy Border 5 Pattern
Lacy Border 6 Pattern
Luncheon for Four Pattern
Collar and Cuffs Pattern
Collar Points Pattern
Hanky Edging 1 Pattern
Hanky Edging 2 Pattern
Hanky Edging 3 Pattern
Ear Clips Pattern
Lapel Posy Pattern
Circular Motif Pattern