LILY DOUBLE QUICK Mercerized Crochet Cotton, Art. 50: 2 skeins Dk. Emerald.
100 yards of gold metallic thread
No. 1 Steel Crochet Hook.
Hairpin lace staple 1½-inches wide.
SIZE — 13 x 19 inches.
With 1 strand each Emerald and gold metallic, make a strip of Basic Hairpin Lace, having 98 loops on each side of staple. Fasten off.
INSIDE HEADING: Keeping the twist in all lps, attach gold thread thru 1st 6 lps, ch 1, sc in same place, sc thru next 6 lps, (3 sc in next lp) 37 times, * (sc thru next 6 lps) twice, 2 sc in next lp, sk two 6-lp groups, sl st in 2d of 3 sc on previous lp, sc back in same lp, (2 sc in next lp, sl st in 2d of 3 sc on next lp on other side, sc back in same lp) repeated to end; sc between 2 end 6-lp groups. Fasten off. Sew center of ends of lace tog. Make 3 pieces.
OUTSIDE HEADING: Mark 13 lps evenly around one end of one piece. Attach Green to 1st lp, ch 1, sc in same lp, (ch 3, sc in next lp) 12 times, (ch 2, sc in next lp) 37 times, (ch 3, sc in next lp) 12 times, * (ch 2, sc in next lp) 36 times, ch 2, join to 1st sc. Fasten off. Repeat to * on 2d piece; ch 1, sl st in 1st ch-2 on one side of 1st piece, (ch 1, sc back in next lp on 2d piece, ch 1, sl st in next ch-2 sp on 1st piece) repeated across; join to 1st sc. Join 3d piece to 2d piece in same way.
BORDER: Attach Green to 1st ch-2 sp on 1 long side, ch 1, 2 sc in same sp, * 2 sc in each ch-2 sp across (37 sps), (4 sc in next ch-3 sp) 12 times around end of each piece; repeat from * around; join.
RND 2: Ch 1, sc in same place, sc in each sc around to 4th sc from angle between 1st 2 pieces, * sk 1 sc, draw up a lp in next sc, draw up a lp in 3d sc on next piece, Y O and draw thru all 3 lps on hook at the same time, ** sk 1 sc, sc in each sc around to 4th sc from next angle; repeat from * to **; sk 1 sc, sc in each sc around to 4th sc from 1st angle at other end; repeat from * around; join.
RND 3: Repeat last rnd except inc. 4 times around end of each piece (to inc. make 2 sc in 1 sc).
RND 4: Repeat Rnd 3.
RND 5: Make 4 incs. around end of each piece as in Rnd 3; (work sc around to 2d sc from next angle, sk sc in angle) repeated around; join.
RND 6: Make 4 incs. around end of each piece; (work sc around to 2d sc from next angle, sk 2 sc in angle) repeated around; join.
RNDS 7 & 8: Repeat Rnd 6 twice, but work even, without incs. Fasten off.
RND 9: Attach gold thread to any sc, (ch 1, sl st in next sc) repeated around, skipping 2 sc in each angle; join, fasten off.
Stretch and pin Mat right-side-down in true shape. Steam and press dry thru a cloth.
Glitter Collar, Belt and Bag Set Pattern
Daffodil Garden Skirt Pattern
TV Slippers Pattern
Hat, Collar and Bag Set Pattern
Place Mats and Chair Pad Covers Pattern
Straw Doily Pattern
Place Mat Pattern
Oblong Pillow Pattern
Round Pillow Pattern
Square Pillow Pattern
Crocheted Rug Pattern
Spiral Place Mat Pattern
Kitchen Rug Pattern
Fruit Bowl Pattern
Lantern Pot Holder Pattern
Clockhouse Pot Holder Pattern
Square Pot Holder Pattern
Hairpin Lace Cafe Curtains Pattern
Hairpin Lace Place Mat Pattern
Cardigan Pattern
Shrug Pattern