20 x 70 Inches Without Tassels
This stole can be made with any of the following:
7 ozs. White or color desired.
4 balls Buttercup or any contrasting color.
2 inch hairpin staple
Steel crochet hook No. 1
HAIRPIN LACE: Make a loop at end of yarn and place left prong of staple in loop just made, wind yarn around right prong of hairpin staple, insert hook in loop, yarn over hook and draw loop through keeping work at center of staple, * drop loop from hook, turn staple ½ turn to the left, pick up the dropped loop at center, yarn over and pull through loop, insert hook through top part of loop on left hand prong, yarn over and pull through (2 loops on hook), yarn over and pull through both loops completing the single crochet, repeat from * for desired length. With White work a length of hairpin lace having 397 loops on each side of staple, cut yarn. Work 9 more strips in same manner. Working on 1st length using a double strand (one strand White yarn and one strand Buttercup "STAR" RAYON), s c through 1st 5 loops inserting hook through all 5 loops at one time and keeping loops straight, do not twist, ** ch 5, * s c through next loop but twist loop twice, repeat from * twice, ch 5, s c through next 5 loops keeping loops straight, repeat from ** across length, cut yarn. Work other side of length in same manner. Finish 1 side of 2nd strip in same manner.
TO JOIN: S c through 1st 5 loops of free edge of 2nd length, ch 2, join to center st of 1st loop of 1st length (to join: drop loop from hook, insert in st, pull loop through), * ch 2, 1 s c in each of the next 3 loops of 2nd strip (twist each loop twice), ch 2, join to center st of next loop of 1st length, ch 2, s c through next 5 loops of 2nd length keeping loops straight, ch 2, join to center st of next loop of 1st length, repeat from * across row. Work and join all strips in same manner.
TASSELS: Wind White 12 times over a 3 inch cardboard, cut one end, tie in center leaving a length for sewing, then tie about ½ inch down from top. Work 21 more tassels in same manner and sew to each Rayon joining as illustrated.