24 x 36 Inches
MATERIALS: Clark's O.N.T. Cotton Rug Yarn, 9 balls each of Deep Rose and Beauty Rose … Clark's O.N.T. Rug Hook, Size G.
With Deep Rose, make a chain 40 inches long. Lay this chain aside. From another ball of the same color cut 10 strands, each 45 inches long. Knot strands together 3 inches in from each end. 1st row: Starting after the first knot, hold the strands at top of chain and, working over them, make sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, until other knot is reached. Break off, leaving a 4-inch length. Draw this length through knot. Cut off remaining chain. 2nd row: Attach Beauty Rose to first sc of previous row. Cut and knot 10 strands of the same color, each 45 inches long. Starting after the first knot, hold the strands at top of previous row and, working over them, make sc in each sc across. Break off, leaving a 4-inch length. Draw this length through knot. Repeat 2nd row, alternating colors, until Rug measures 24 inches, ending with Deep Rose. Trim ends evenly.