Directions are for 6-months size. Changes for 1 year size are in parentheses.
NOMOTTA Non-Shrink, Mothproof Pompadour or Baby Wool
7 (8) 1-oz balls
1 steel crochet hook each of sizes 1 and 2
6 small pearl buttons
1½ yards (¼") satin ribbon
GAUGE: 11 dc (sts) = 2 inches; 3 rows = 1 inch
6 sc (sts) =1 inch; 7 rows = 2 inches
YOKE: Starting at neck edge with size 1 hook, ch 80.
Row 1: Work 1 dc in 3rd chain from hook, 1 dc in each of next 13 chains (left front); 5 dc in next chain (first seam-st), 1 dc in each of next 8 chains (left sleeve), 5 dc in next chain (2nd seam-st); 1 dc in each of next 30 chains (back), 5 dc in next chain (3rd seam-st), 1 dc in each of next 8 chains (right sleeve), 5 dc in next chain (4th seam-st), 1 dc in each of remaining 14 chains (right front); 94 sts in row. Ch 2, turn. Row 2: Work 1 dc in each of next 16 sts, 5 dc in next st (the center stitch of the 5 dc in row below), 1 dc in each of next 12 sts, 5 dc in next st (2nd seam-st), 1 dc in each of next 34 sts, 5 dc in next st (3rd seam-st), 1 dc in each of next 12 sts, 5 dc in next st (4th seam-st), 1 dc in each of remaining 16 sts; (110 sts). Continue to increase 4 sts in each seam-st on every row until there are 7 (8) increase-rows, always having 2 sts more before and after each seam-st, ending at left front edge; 190 (206) sts. Ch. 2, turn.
NOTE: Yoke should measure 3½ (4) inches along raglan seam. If necessary, add or omit 1 row to get correct measurement.
LEFT FRONT: Work across front (30-32) sts increasing 1 stitch at underarm edge; 31 (33) sts. Ch 2, turn and work back to center front edge. Break yarn. Work across Right Front to correspond with Left Front. Work 4 rows across the 60 (64) sts for back increasing 1 stitch at each side every other row twice; 64 (68) sts. Break yarn. Now, work across all pieces, slipping a marker on needle at each side of back for underarm edge, thus joining all pieces together; 126 (134) sts in row. Continue to work in dc increasing 1 stitch at each underarm edge (increase before marker on one increase row and after marker on next increase row; 2 sts increased in row) every 6th row 8 times; 142 (150) sts in row. Work straight until body measures 14 (15) inches straight down from underarm or desired length. Break yarn. Work across center back 74 (78) sts for 13½ (14) inches. Change to size 2 hook and work in sc decreasing 8 sts evenly spaced across row. Work straight for 2 rows then work Beading as follows: Ch 2, turn. Work 1 dc in each of next 2 sts, *ch 2, skip 2 sts, 1 dc in each of next 2 sts, repeat from * across row. Work 2 rows of sc working 1 sc in each of the 2 chain sts across first row.
SLEEVES: Starting at underarm edge, work back and forth in dc across all sleeve sts. Work straight until sleeve measures 5 (6) inches straight down from underarm decreasing 8 sts across last row.
Cuff: Change to size 2 hook and work firmly in sc for 5 rows. Work Beading same as for lower edge of bunting, ending with 2 rows of sc.
Border: With size 2 hook, work 3 rows of sc firmly around neck working 2 sts together at each corner. With right side facing you, work 1 row of sc along each front. Ch 2 to turn and work 1 row of dc, then 1 row of sc. Work other front edge to correspond. Work edging as follows: Start at lower edge of right front, work 1 sc in next st; now work in Shell-St as follows; * skip 1 st, work 5 dc in next st, skip next st, repeat from * around entire outside edge. Work Shell-St border around sleeve edges. Starting at lower edge of right front, work 1 row of sc, then 1 row of Shell-St working along the first sc-row of border (see illustration).
FINISHING: Press lightly and sew seams. Sew buttons along left front, using spaces between the dc's (center row of right front border) for buttonholes. Run wide ribbon through beading at lower edge (for waist) and narrow ribbon for sleeves.
Baby Set in Quaker Stitch Pattern
Baby Sacque and Shoes Pattern
Two Color Baby Jacket and Bonnet Pattern
Raglan Shirt for Baby Pattern
Surplice Sweater Pattern
Lap Over Shirt and Soakers Pattern
Romper for Baby Pattern
Playsuit with Jacket Pattern
Cardigan with Borders Pattern
Cardigan with Tulips Pattern
Twin Sweater Set Pattern
Slip On with Ribbed Yoke Pattern
Lace Trimmed Cardigan Pattern
Coat and Bonnet Pattern
Knitted Tweed Coat and Cap Pattern
Blazer for Girl or Boy Pattern
Striped Blazer Pattern
Helmet with Mittens Pattern
Beret Pattern
Jacket with Hood Pattern
Two Piece Snow Suit with Cap and Mittens Pattern
Knitted Carriage Robe Pattern