Original made of Columbia Minerva Knitting Worsted—Color: White
Columbia Minerva Knitting Worsted (4 ounce skein) 6 Skeins
Columbia Lustra Minerva Sparkletone (2 ounce skein) 14 Skeins
Material for Lining: 2 yards of 40 inch wide material
1 "Boye" Aluminum Crochet Hook "G" (Size 5)
Gauge: 5 Patterns to 2 inches; 5 Rows to 2 inches
PATTERN STITCH: (Multiple of 2 Sts., plus 3)
Row 1—Y.O., draw up a loop in 3rd Ch. from hook, skip 1 Ch.. Y.O., draw up a loop in next Ch., then Y.O., draw yarn through all 5 loops on hook, Ch.1 (1 Pattern), *Y.O., draw up a loop in same Ch. as last St., skip 1 Ch., Y.O., draw up a loop in next Ch., Y.O., draw yarn through 5 loops on hook. Ch.1, repeat from * across row, Ch.2, turn.
Row 2—Y.O., draw up a loop in the Ch.1 of last Pattern, Y.O., draw up a loop in next Ch.1 space, Y.O., draw yarn through the 5 loops on hook, Ch.1. *Y.O., draw up a loop in the Ch.1 of same Pattern, Y.O., draw up a loop in next Pattern. Y.O., draw yarn through the 5 loops on hook, Ch.1, repeat from * across row (ending draw up last loop under the Ch.2 at end of row), Ch.2, turn.
Repeat Row 2 for Pattern.
BACK: Starting at neck, Ch.33. Work Row 1 of Pattern St. (15 Patterns). Continue in Pattern St., increasing 5 Patterns across next row.
To Increase: Work 1 H.D.C. in same St. as last Pattern, Ch.1, then work in same St. for first loop of next Pattern. On following row work in the Ch.1 of H.D.C. as if it were the Ch.1 of Pattern. Work 1 row even, increase 5 Patterns again, then every other row 2 times more (being careful not to increase over previous increases), then every row 2 times. There are 45 Patterns across on Row 10.
Now increase 8 Patterns across row every 4th row 7 times (101 Patterns across on Row 38).
Work even until Back measures 17 inches from start, break yarn and fasten.
COLLAR AND FRONT: Starting at Collar, Ch.19. Work even in Pattern St., working 8 Patterns across for 9 rows (half of Collar). Start short rows as follows: Work across 3 Patterns, work 1 H.D.C. in same Ch.1, slip St. in next Ch.1, turn. Slip St. to Ch.1 of 2nd Pattern from edge, work 1 Pattern over each of the last 2 Patterns, Ch.2, turn. Work across 6 Patterns, 1 H.D.C. in same Ch.1, slip St. in next Ch.1, turn. Slip St. across to 6th Pattern from end of row, work 6 Patterns across, Ch.2, turn. (Long edge is shoulder edge, short edge is front edge.)
FRONT: Increase 3 Patterns on next row, then every 4th row 4 times more, being careful not to have increases come over previous increases and to space increases at least 2 inches from front edge, 23 Patterns across row. Increase 5 Patterns, in same manner, every 4th row 5 times, 48 Patterns across row. Work even until work measures 17 inches from start of Front.
Next row, starting at side edge, slip St. across 24 Patterns, working 1 slip St. in the Ch.1 of Pattern and 1 slip St. in the St. between, work across remaining 24 Patterns for 30 rows, break yarn and fasten.
Work other Collar and Front to correspond.
Cut lining to correspond with Back and Fronts. Sew Back to Fronts. Sew seam of Collar at back of neck. Sew Collar to neck edge. Sew lining in place.