Materials Required:
7 ounces Buttercup for 15 inch length cape
8 ounces Buttercup for 19 inch length cape and
2 balls Gold Spangle or colors of your choice
1 — 4 inch hairpin lace staple
1 — 3 inch hairpin lace staple
1 — 2 inch hairpin lace staple
Plastic crochet hook size F
Steel crochet hook No. 7
2 hooks and eyes
Hairpin Lace: Make a loop at end of yarn and place left prong of staple in loop just made, wind yarn around right prong of hairpin staple, insert plastic crochet hook in loop, yarn over hook and draw loop through keeping work at center of staple, * drop loop from hook, turn staple ½ turn to the left, pick up the dropped loop at center, yarn over and pull through loop, insert hook through top part of loop on left hand prong, yarn over and pull through (2 loops on hook), yarn over and pull through both loops completing the single crochet (sc), repeat from * for desired length. All strips are worked with Buttercup and size F hook.
For 15 inch length cape work 1st 5 strips.
For 19 inch length cape work 6 strips.
1st Strip: With 2 inch staple work a length of hairpin lace having 89 loops on each side of staple.
2nd Strip: With 2 inch staple work a length having 133 loops on each side of staple.
3rd Strip: With 3 inch staple work a length having 155 loops on each side of staple.
4th Strip: With 3 inch staple work a length having 177 loops on each side of staple.
5th Strip: With 4 inch staple work a length having 199 loops on each side of staple.
6th Strip: With 4 inch staple work a length having 221 loops on each side of staple.
Note: When working strips, twists are taken out of all groups of loops and twist is left in all single loops. This will not be referred to again.
Short Cape: With steel crochet hook attach Gold Spangle in 1st loop of the 2 inch hairpin lace strip of 89 loops, sc in same space, 1 sc in each of the next 2 loops, * ch 1, 1 sc in each of the next 3 loops, repeat from * across row ending last repeat with 1 sc in each of the next 2 loops, cut thread.
Working on opposite side of same strip attach Gold Spangle in 1st hairpin lace loop, * ch 5, sc in next loop, repeat from * across row, cut thread.
2nd Strip: With Gold Spangle and 2 inch hairpin lace strip of 133 loops, attach thread in 1st loop, ch 2, sc in last loop worked of 1st strip, ch 2, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 2nd strip, * ch 2, sc in next loop of 1st strip, ch 2, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 2nd strip, repeat from * once, ** ch 2, sc in next loop of 1st strip, ch 2, sc through next 5 hairpin lace loops of 2nd strip, * ch 2, sc in next loop of 1st strip, ch 2, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 2nd strip, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from ** 9 times, ch 2, sc in next loop of 1st strip, ch 2, sc through next 5 hairpin lace loops of 2nd strip, * ch 2, sc in next loop of 1st strip, ch 2, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 2nd strip, repeat from * 3 times, cut thread. Working on opposite side of 2nd strip, attach Gold Spangle through 1st 3 loops, * ch 5, sc in next loop, repeat from * 6 times, ** ch 5, sc through next 5 loops, * ch 5, sc in next loop, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from ** 9 times, ch 5, sc through next 3 loops, cut thread.
3rd Strip: With Gold Spangle and 3 inch hairpin lace strip of 155 loops, attach thread in 1st hairpin lace loop,
ch 2, sc in last loop worked of 2nd strip, ch 2, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 3rd strip, * ch 2, sc in next loop of 2nd strip, ch 2, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 3rd strip, repeat from * once, ** ch 2, sc in next loop of 2nd strip, ch 2, sc through next 7 hairpin lace loops of 3rd strip, * ch 2, sc in next loop of 2nd strip, ch 2, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 3rd strip, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from ** 9 times, ch 2, sc in next loop of 2nd strip, ch 2, sc through next 7 hairpin lace loops of 3rd strip, * ch 2, sc in next loop of 2nd strip, ch 2, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 3rd strip, repeat from * 3 times, cut thread. Working on opposite side of 3rd strip attach Gold Spangle through 1st 4 loops, * ch 7, sc in next loop, repeat from * 6 times, ** ch 7, sc through next 7 loops, * ch 7, sc in next loop, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from ** 9 times, ch 7, sc through next 4 loops, cut thread.
4th Strip: With Gold Spangle and 3 inch hairpin lace strip of 177 loops, attach thread in 1st hairpin lace loop, ch 3, sc in last loop worked of 3rd strip, ch 3, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 4th strip, * ch 3, sc in next loop of 3rd strip, ch 3, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 4th strip, repeat from * once, ** ch 3, sc in next loop of 3rd strip, ch 3, sc through next 9 hairpin lace loops of 4th strip, ch 3, sc in next loop of 3rd strip, ch 3, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 4th strip, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from ** 9 times, ch 3, sc in next loop of 3rd strip, ch 3, sc through next 9 hairpin lace loops of 4th strip, * ch 3, sc in next loop of 3rd strip, ch 3, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 4th strip, repeat from * 3 times, cut thread. Working on opposite side of 4th strip, attach Gold Spangle through 1st 5 loops.* ch 7, sc in next loop, repeat from * 6 times. * * ch 7, sc through next 9 loops, * ch 7, sc in next loop, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from ** 9 times, ch 7, sc through next 5 loops, cut thread.
5th Strip: With Gold Spangle and 4 inch hairpin lace strip of 199 loops, attach thread in 1st loop, ch 3, sc in last loop worked of 4th strip, ch 3, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 5th strip, * ch 3, sc in next loop of 4th strip, ch 3, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 5th strip, repeat from * once, ** ch 3, sc in next loop of 4th strip, ch 3, sc through next 11 hairpin lace loops of 5th strip, * ch 3, sc in next loop of 4th strip, ch 3, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 5th strip, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from ** 9 times, ch 3, sc in next loop of 4th strip, ch 3, sc through next 11 hairpin lace loops of 5th strip, * ch 3, sc in next loop of 4th strip, ch 3, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 5th strip, repeat from * 3 times, cut thread. Working on opposite side of 5th strip, attach Gold Spangle through 1st 6 loops. * ch 9, sc in next loop, repeat from * 6 times, ** ch 9, sc through next 11 loops, * ch 9, sc in next loop, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from ** 9 times, ch 9, sc through next 6 loops, cut thread.
Neck Band: With wrong side of 1st row toward you attach Gold Spangle in 1st sc, sc in same space, then work 1 sc in each sc and in each ch 1 space, ch 1 to turn all rows.
Next Row: Working over entire st by inserting hook under entire st, work 1 sc in each sc.
Next 5 Rows: 1 sc in each sc.
Next Row: 1 slip stitch (sl st) in each sc, cut thread. Sew 2 hooks and eyes on wrong side of neck band.
Long Cape: Work 1st 5 strips same as short cape. With Gold Spangle and 4 inch hairpin lace strip of 221 loops, attach thread in 1st loop, ch 4, sc in last loop worked of 5th strip, ch 4. sc in next hairpin lace loop of 6th strip, * ch 4, sc in next loop of 5th strip, ch 4, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 6th strip, repeat from * once, ** ch 4, sc in next loop of 5th strip, ch 4, sc through next 13 hairpin lace loops of 6th strips, * ch 4, sc in next loop of 5th strip, ch 4, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 6th strip, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from ** 9 times, ch 4, sc in next loop of 5th strip, ch 4, sc through next 13 hairpin lace loops of 6th strip, * ch 4, sc in next loop of 5th strip, ch 4, sc in next hairpin lace loop of 6th strip, repeat from * 3 times, cut thread. Working on opposite side of 6th strip attach Gold Spangle through 1st 7 loops, *ch 9, sc in next loop, repeat from * 6 times, **ch 9, sc through next 13 loops, * ch 9, sc in next loop, repeat from *6 times, repeat from ** 9 times, ch 9, sc through next 7 loops, cut thread. Work neck band same as short cape.
Other great patterns from Star Stoles Book, Book 133:
Crochet Patterns
Concerto Shawl
Fantasy Shawl
Lyric Shawl
Waltz Shawl
Knitting Patterns
Adagio Shawl
Allegro Shawl
Contralto Shawl
Crescendo Shawl
Harmony Shawl
Metron Shawl
Minuet Shawl
Sonata Shawl